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    Title: 校長科技領導、教師自我效能與有效教學行為關係之研究:結合後設分析與結構方程式模型
    Relationships among Principal Technology Leadership, Teacher Self-Efficacy and Effective Teaching Behavior: Combining Meta-analysis and Structural Equation Modeling
    Authors: 蔡介文
    Tsai, Jie-Wen
    Contributors: 張奕華
    Chang, I-Hua
    Tsai, Jie-Wen
    Keywords: 校長科技領導
    Principal technology leadership
    Teacher self-efficacy
    Effective teaching behavior
    Structure equation modeling
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 12:56:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 校長科技領導的核心論述為校長介入教學科技以促進教學成效。而教師效能感中介模式則認為教師自我效能是將外在條件轉化為教學行為的重要中介因素。本研究基於上述理論,提出校長科技領導、教師自我效能與有效教學行為之關係模型,並以過去文獻中提供的數據,驗證此理論模型。
    The core theory of principal technology leadership is that the principal introduces instructional technologies to enhance teaching effectiveness. The mediating model of teacher efficacy points out that teacher self-efficacy is an essential factor in translating external conditions into teaching behavior. Based on the above theory, this study proposes a model of the relationship between principal technology leadership, teacher self-efficacy, and effective teaching behavior. The data in the past studies were used to validate the theoretical model.
    This study combined meta-analysis (MA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) two methods. First, 55 correlations between 11 variables from 13 theses and two articles (total sample size 6,683) were pooled. Therefore, the pooling matrix (11×11) was used as an observational matrix, then testing theory by SEM and mediation analysis.
    The results of the study are as follows: (1) The mean effect sizes among principal technology leadership, teacher self-efficacy, and effective teaching behavior are all at a medium or large size. (2) Observation data are good-fitted with the model, and the theory is supported. (3) Teacher self-efficacy has a mediating effect between principal technology leadership and effective teaching behavior. Finally, based on the conclusion, this study makes recommendations for practical works and future researches.
    Reference: (加註星號*者為用於後設分析之論文。)

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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106171002
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001482
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