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    Title: 臺北市立萬華幼兒園組織變革歷程之個案研究(2013-2018)
    A Case Study of the organizational change Process of Taipei Municipal Wanhua Preschool (2013-2018)
    Authors: 高于涵
    Kao, Yu-Han
    Contributors: 倪鳴香
    Ni, Ming-Xiang
    Kao, Yu-Han
    Keywords: 組織變革
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 12:55:38 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2011年6月29日台灣頒布《幼兒教育及照顧法》,將原先分屬「教」與「托」功能的幼稚園與托兒所整合成「幼兒園」。原屬臺北市12所公立托兒所之一的「臺北市立萬華托兒所」就在該政策下改制為「臺北市立萬華幼兒園」,歷經六年的翻轉與努力,逐漸在幼兒教保專業品質上站穩腳步。
    本研究以Kurt Lewin(1951)組織變革論發展成理論框架、Michael Fullan(2010)《教育變革新意義》為主要理論內涵,以探究萬華幼兒園如何面對幼托整合政策下2013年到2018年組織變革的歷程,包含該園組織成員們採取怎樣的行動變革,又如何賦予其變革行動何種意義,以及變革歷程中如何影響組織外社區、家長及政府的互動過程。採個案研究法,將蒐集到之相關人士訪談、參與觀察及相關文件檔案資料內容爬梳後,歸納梳理出其變革歷程從穩固實體環境、安全、衛生之基本需求起,同時形塑團隊,發展社區關係與課程專業,進而投入課程模式變革。教師在教保專業實踐的進程中,逐漸發展出具園所在地特色的蒙特梭利課程樣貌。2018年9月,組織成員為變革行動賦予意義,肯認變革實能饋回在地幼兒之教育價值。自萬華組織變革歷程,揭露「權力、關係與組織的內部力量」、「改造課程作為組織核心能力重建之途徑」、「在地深耕作為組織變革的核心價值」之幼兒園組織變革意涵。最後,藉Julie Caulier-Grice, Anna Davies, Robert Patrick & Will Normany(2012)「系統性變革」概念,勾畫萬華幼兒園組織變革未來圖像,祝願其能「再結凍」變革歷程所開創革新的教保樣貌及意義價值。並依據研究結果對幼教專業發展提出相關建議。
    Since the Child Education and Care Act was announced on June, 29, 2011 in Taiwan, kindergartens and nursery schools have been integrated into preschools that provide children with education and care. Under this policy, “Taipei Wanhua Nursery School”, as one of the twelve public nursery schools in Taipei, was reformed to “Taipei Municipal Wanhua Preschool”. After six years of great endeavor, it has gradually earned a reputation for its high-quality early childhood education.
    This research takes Organization Change Theory as a theoretical framework (Lewin,1951) , and " The New Meaning of Educational Change (Fullan, 2010)" as the main theoretical connotation. This study explored the process of organizational change from 2013 to 2018 in Wanhua Preschool due to the Kindergarten and Nursery School Integration Policy, including the actions taken by the organization members, how to define the change actions meaning, and the interactive approach to influence the community, parents and government. The case study was conducted by interviews with related personnel, participant observation, and data collection from official documents. In summary, the change process starts from stabilizing the basic needs of the physical environment, safety, and health, and at the same time shapes the team, develops community relations and curriculum majors, Implement curriculum model changes. In the process of teaching and caring professional practice, teachers gradually developed the Montessori curriculum with the place characteristic of the school. In September 2018, the members of the organization gave meaning to the change action, and recognized that the change can really give back the educational value of local children. Based on Wanhua`s organizational change process, it reveals the meaning of kindergarten organizational change of "power, relationship and internal strength of the organization", "reform curriculum as a way to rebuild the core competence of the organization", and "long-term local development as the core value of organizational change". Finally, through the concept of "systemic change" proposed by the research portrayed the future image of the organizational change of Wanhua Preschool, and wished it "refreeze" the educational appearance and significance value created in the past. Besides, based on the research results, it puts forward suggestions on the professional development of preschool education. 
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103157010
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001276
    Appears in Collections:[幼兒教育研究所] 學位論文

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