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    Title: 教育創業家目的感之個案研究
    A Case Study on Purpose of Education Entrepreneurs
    Authors: 黃映涵
    Contributors: 詹志禹
    Keywords: 創業
    Education entrepreneur
    Sense of purpose
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 12:54:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在全球化經濟型態的轉變與影響下,創業(Entrepreneurship)為現代社會中廣受討論、也炙手可熱的新興職業選擇。各學門對創新創業的相關研究也日益增加,尤其以企業管理領域為數最多。然而,自二十世紀中期起逐漸興起源自於對資本主義的反思、並以改善或解決現存社會議題為目標的社會企業(Social Entrepreneurship,也譯為社會創業),豐富並擴大了創業的範疇,也促進更多的討論和思考。而隸屬於社會企業一環的教育創業,則由於發展時間晚、關注領域小,以此為主題的研究仍為少數。本研究者具有對教育及創業領域的涉略經驗,並且長期關心相關議題,加上對於史丹佛大學教育系教授William Damon從探討美國當代年輕人心理發展,依此提出與人類終極關懷、內心滿足感、生命意義密切相關的目的感(purpose)研究深感興趣。便採用目的感之概念內涵,希冀從目的感的角度分析並檢視教育創業家的親身經驗,整合提出相關的研究發現與建議,茲提供相關教育工作者、創業者、決策者、教師、家長等參考。本研究透過訪談及資料分析結果發現,教育創業家個案即使個人經驗與創業領域不同,卻共同具備的特質:真心關懷、由內而發的動機、不以結果為最終目的等。並且,其目的感的發展受個人特質、及環境脈絡等多方面影響。
    Because of the trend and influence of globalization, as well as the worldwide changing of economy system, “Entrepreneurship” becomes a widely-discussed issue. And relevant research is also increasing accordingly, especially in management field. However, some opposite viewpoints appeared due to the the reflection of Capitalism. Social entrepreneurship, which targeting at improving or solving certain existing social problems, is one of the most important examples. The emersion of social entrepreneurship not only enrichs and expands the research of entrepreneurship, but also promotes more discussions.Educational entrepreneurship, which is a part of social entrepreneurship, is the minority of this research field because it’s late developing and less of a concern.
    Since researcher has experience being both a teacher and an entrepreneur, and also caring the relevant issue for a few years. Researcher is strongly interested in the concept of sense of purpose, which came from a modern psychological adolescent research host by William Damon and relates to human ultimate concern, satisfaction and life-meaning, etc.. Therefore, this research attempts to use the notion and context of sense of purpose to analyze educational entrepreneur’s experience, and address some further advices and information for educators, entrepreneurs, and parents. Through the process of interview and data analysis, the result shows that despite of the difference of each educational entrepreneur’s experiences, they still own some common traits in concern, motivation and so on. Otherwise, the development of sense of purpose might be influenced by personal character strength and context factors.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103152005
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001424
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