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    Title: 英國學派的第三種想像:一個柏克式的國際政治理論
    The third way of English School: a Burkean international political theory
    Authors: 周景賀
    Chou, Jing-Ho
    Contributors: 葉浩
    Yeh, Hao
    Chou, Jing-Ho
    Keywords: 柏克
    the British Empire
    Imperial society
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 12:43:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 學界過去處理柏克的國際政治議題時,不外乎從兩個面向去談。一是從他的《論弒君的和平》(Letters on a Regicide Peace)來建構柏克對於歐洲共同體的想像(如Welsh﹐1995;Fidler& Welsh﹐1999);二是從柏克對Hastings的彈劾案及對東印度公司的批判切入,以說明柏克的普世性關懷和萬民法的應用(Pitts﹐2018)。然而前人的研究似乎都不約而同的將歐洲社會與歐洲以外的社會割裂處理,並沒有放在同個平台比較。換句話說,國際社會的範疇只包含了歐洲地區,非歐洲地區(如印度)因為沒有共同的價值基礎、宗教信仰,自始被排除在外,但又由於柏克在某種程度上具有普世主義的色彩,因此萬民法(或自然法)的力量共同約束了歐洲與非歐洲。這種「以歐洲共同體為中心、再以萬民法填補空白」的同心圓詮釋在一定程度上或許與柏克的國際政治思想有所衝突。同心圓的圖像暗示著歐洲與非歐洲並不在同一個基準點上。同心圓的核心是以各個歐洲國家所構成的國際社會,外圍則是回歸以人為本的最終關懷,說明非歐洲地區的住民也不應受到非人道對待。這種理論架構並未能將柏克所參與的國際政治事件融貫為一套國際政治理論,只能看作是柏克對不同事件的不同評論。

    筆者認為柏克無論是在審視歐洲或非歐洲的議題時,皆緊扣著其一貫的保守主義思想精隨,意即從各地區的傳統與文化作為著眼點,思索英國社會與該社會互動下,兩者會產生怎樣的火花與影響。因此若欲建構一套柏克式的國際政治理論,「社會」的觀念極為重要,而所謂的「國際社會」(international society)也應當以「諸民族間的社會」(inter-national society)來理解,或許更能理解柏克的國際政治思想,此種理解在帝國統治下尤為重要。

    When scholars dealt with the international political thought of Edmund Burke, they often mentioned two aspect about him. One was the idea of European commonwealth, which can be find in his “Letters on a Regicide Peace”; the other was his universal concern and the application of laws of nations, especially in the cases of impeachment of Warren Hastings and the critics of the East India Company. Those researches, however, dealt with European society and non-European society separately and not compared the two society in the same horizon. That was to say, the scope of international society only included Europe and exclude the non-Europe owing to lacking of common value and religious belief. In the other hand, we could find some universalism trait, in certain degree, in Burke’s thought, therefore the force of laws of nations or the nature law can bind Europe and non-Europe. This concentric circle interpretation, which centered on European commonwealth and filled laws of nations in the space, somehow conflicted with Burke’s international political thought. The image of concentric circle imply the Europe and non-Europe are in the different benchmark. The center of concentric circle is constituting by international society of European countries, and the outer circle is about all individuals who are the objects of nature law which demand even the non-European people should be treated humanely. This interpretation might not cohere the international affairs Burke involved in into a systematic international political theory, and could be only seen as perspectives about different issues of Burke.

    In my opinion, when Burke examined the issues of Europe or non-Europe, he always fol-lowed a coherent thought about conservatism, that is traditions and cultures of every society and consideration about the influence when English society engaging with others. Hence, if we want to constitute a Burkean international political theory, we should focus on the idea of “society” and the “international society” should be understood as “inter-national society”. In this way, we might grasp Burke’s international political thoughts properly, especially in the context of empire reign.

    Back to the modern engagement of pluralism and solidarism, this essay tries to argue that the idea of society should be treated as a subject in international politics, just as sovereign and individual being. For Burke, society is an organic which can bear individual for quality and define the character of a country, it is prior than an individual and a sovereign state. In other words, sovereign or human right are all make sense if, and only if, the entity of society could exist and function well.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1052520221
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001579
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