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    Title: 健保核刪變革之行政透明研究:以診所醫師與醫院醫師觀點
    The exploratory research of administrative transparency on the change of medical claims review: the viewpoint of medical practitioners in clinics and hospitals
    Authors: 潘逸丞
    Pan, I-Cheng
    Contributors: 廖興中
    Liao, Hsin-Chung
    Pan, I-Cheng
    Keywords: 醫療服務審查
    Medical claims review
    Medical professional review
    Medical malpractice
    Resource Allocation in Healthcare
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 12:34:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 為了避免健保資源過度地浪費,健保署透過醫療服務審查(核刪)的方式,針對醫療院所在處方與服務選擇上進行約束。基於上述,本文以2017年核刪改革作為政策參照基準點,由資訊不對稱與行政透明的角度進而審視變革前後之反饋,改革面向包括公開具名、回推放大、專業雙審以及電子醫療平台等措施,並且評估變革是否符合期待,以提出後續可持續改革之方向。


    Preventing the overusing of medical resources, the National Health Insurance Administration (NHIA) developed the medical review system to supervise whether the prescriptions` choice is right or not. However, some physicians argued that the medical review presented the contretemps of unfairness, asymmetry of information, and communication block. To fix up those issues, NHIA decided to launch a reform in 2017, which contains openness to identity, control for magnification of point value, professional double review, and set-up for the electronic medical platform. In this disquisition, the 2017 reform is the cynosure, accompanying with prior reform as a reference.

    As for the research method, it adopts an in-depth review to discuss the topics of medical claims review with 10 physicians from clinics and hospitals and to understand how the medical review system affects medical finance, the prescription choice for patients, and other NHIA policies. The conclusions are that most interviewees compliment the control for minatory magnification of NHIA point value is sanguine, especially enhancing the flexibility of prescriptions choice, but they think that openness to identity is not a crucial step for reform because it may lead to more mistrust, suspicion, and aloofness between doctors. On the other hand, the launch of the professional double review receives positive feedbacks but unfortunately, most doctors did not quite realize the main idea of this policy. Also, although electronic medical platform accelerates the communication power for target audiences, the feasibility for doctors in remotes parts needs to be intensified.

    There are some suggestions for the policy amelioration in the future. Firstly, building up the puissant commutation mechanisms between doctors and other medical units is a must-do. Secondly, advancing toward digital medical services can alleviate the limitation of messaging to reinforce the doctor-patient relationship. The presence of knowledge asymmetry in the medical review process will be the low trust factor for the NHIA system. Lastly, improving the benefits package to be more precise allow the citizens to cultivate a better attitude toward self-pay medical services.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105256003
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001351
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Public Administration] Theses

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