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Title: | 智顗的一佛乘止觀思想 The Theory of Meditation of Zhiyi under His Idea of One Buddha Vehicle |
Authors: | 蕭嘉宏(釋法弘) Hsiao, Chia-Hung (Shi, Fa-Hong) |
Contributors: | 耿晴 Keng, Ching 蕭嘉宏(釋法弘) Hsiao, Chia-Hung (Shi, Fa-Hong) |
Keywords: | 天台宗 智顗 一佛乘止觀思想 界 救度學 修道論 Tiantai School Zhiyi The Theory of Meditation of One Buddha Vehicle Realms The Theory of Deliverance The Theory and Method of Practice |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-09-02 12:01:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 從智顗講說天台三大部開始,在其著作之中便充溢著《法華經》的一佛乘思想;其內有從教理闡釋為面向而解說一佛乘思想的內容,同時也有由止觀方法為面向以詮說一佛乘思想的部分。只是在其止觀方法詮說的部分,亦即有關智顗的一佛乘止觀思想的章文,並沒有如同其從教理闡釋而解說一佛乘思想的內容,一樣地受到古今學者們的重視;然而此中方為智顗止觀思想的發軔之處,卻是未能得見專門論述此一議題的研究著作。
對於聲聞、緣覺以及藏教菩薩的救度問題,智顗主要是在一佛乘教義的論述之中提出解答。而對於一佛乘止觀思想之中的救度學,智顗則提供兩個主要的救度方法:一、解決通教行者於三界內外的隔歷問題,而將通教行者救度至別教以至圓教之中,如此而完成一佛乘;二、解決通教與別教行者於三諦偏圓的隔歷問題,以將此兩教行者救度至圓教之中,如是而成為一佛乘。智顗一佛乘止觀思想之中的修道論,又分為開權止觀的修道論與顯實止觀的修道論。開權止觀的修道論,乃是在一佛乘止觀思想救度學的救度架構之下,藉由投合藏、通、別三教根性的權宜止觀,而逐步地讓此三教行者會歸至圓教的一佛乘止觀之中。顯實止觀的修道論,則是圓教行者運用一心三觀而斷惑證智的止觀歷程。 Since Zhiyi talked about the‘Three Great Works of Tiantai’, his works overflows with the idea of‘One Buddha Vehicle’from“Lotus Sutra”; These include the expound of the theory to explain the idea of ‘One Buddha Vehicle’ simultaneously includes the method of meditative ‘śamatha-vipaśyanā’ to explain the idea of ‘One Buddha Vehicle’. Although, in the section of meditative‘śamatha-vipaśyanā’which is regarding the idea of‘One Buddha Vehicle’does not like what he was expounding the theory of the idea of‘One Buddha Vehicle’, it is still highly valued by the scholars in the past and present; However, this should be the beginning of the idea of meditative‘śamatha-vipaśyanā’ by Zhiyi, we could not find any research works specifically discussing this particular topic.
In the idea of‘One Buddha Vehicle’by Zhiyi, its purpose is to use meditative‘śamatha-vipaśyanā’ to amalgamate Śravakayana, Pratyekabuddhas and Bodhisattva the three vehicles of Buddhism into‘One Buddha Vehicle’; Or to lead and integrate the three other teaching namely, Tripitaka Teaching, Common Teaching and Distinct Teaching into the Perfect teaching. Nevertheless, in order to resolve the issues of varies Separations of Realms existed in the above Four Vehicles or Teachings, one has to find the actual solution from deliverance, theories and methods of practices within the idea of ‘One Buddha Vehicle’ established by Zhiyi.
Regarding the issue of deliverance of Śravakayana, Pratyekabuddhas and Bodhisattva of Tripitaka Teaching, Zhiyi provided solutions based on the discourse of the idea of `One Buddha Vehicle`. As for the theory of deliverance within the meditative‘śamatha-vipaśyanā’ of the idea of `One Buddha Vehicle`, Zhiyi provided two main methods of Deliverance: to deliver the practitioners of Common Teaching to the Distinct Teaching and ultimately to the Perfect Teaching , in order to resolve the issue of Separations inside and outside of the Three Realms encountered by them, to deliver the practitioners of Common Teaching and Distinct Teaching to the Perfect Teaching, in order to resolve the issue of Separation within the Three Truth leaned towards the Perfect teaching encounter by them, hence becomes ‘One Buddha Vehicle’. The theory of practice within the idea of meditative‘śamatha-vipaśyanā’in‘One Buddha Vehicle’can be divided into the theory and method of‘Expedient Calming and Contemplation’and the theory and method of‘Manifestation Ultimate Truth’. The theory and method of ‘Expedient Calming and Contemplation’is to base on the structure of deliverance meditative‘śamatha-vipaśyanā’in the idea of‘One Buddha Vehicle’and according to the faculties of the Tripitaka teaching, Common teaching and Distinct teaching to gradually integrate the Three Teachings practitioners into the Perfect teaching of ‘One Buddha Vehicle’. Whereas, the theory and method of ‘Manifestation Ultimate Truth’ is for the Perfect Teaching practitioners to use the “Threefold Contemplations of One Mind’ the meditative ‘śamatha-vipaśyanā’ process to extinct the defilement in order to achieve the ultimate wisdom. |
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 哲學系 100154502 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100154502 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001519 |
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