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    Title: 經驗與反思-論康德先驗反思中的規範性
    Experience and Reflection: On the Normativity in Kant’s Transcendental Reflection
    Authors: 陳鳴諍
    Tan, Ming-Zheng
    Contributors: 鄭志忠

    Jeng, Jyh-Jong
    Huang, Kuan-Min

    Tan, Ming-Zheng
    Keywords: 先驗反思
    Transcendental Reflection
    Comparison and Connection
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 12:01:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 康德認為,人類的認知能力是辨解性的、反思性的。然而,「反思」是康德哲學中最艱澀難懂的概念之一。這個概念在不同的問題脈絡中有不同的理論意涵,而康德從未給出一套完整系統性的闡明。更多時候,反思是作為一個解釋的根據,用以闡明康德哲學系統中的其他主張。本論文將研究的重點放在《純粹理性批判》中的一篇附錄──〈歧義篇章〉。儘管〈歧義篇章〉大部分的內容是在批評萊布尼茲哲學,但是本文將嘗試指出,這篇附錄闡明了一套有關人類經驗認知的反思理論。而這一套反思理論的核心概念是「先驗反思」。本文將從人類的經驗認知的角度分析並論證「先驗反思」之中所隱含的規範性意涵。《純粹理性批判》所關注的問題是人類認知能力的範圍與界限,各種表象的有效運用範圍,以及揭發各種隱含在錯誤判斷中的幻相。就此而言,理性的自我批判與自我證成是奠基在先驗反思的規範性之上。本文希望能夠闡明:先驗反思是人類認知的規範性根源,因而是人類認知中不可或缺的部分。
    According to Kant, human cognition is characterized as discursive and reflective. However, “reflection” is considered as one of the most obscure concepts in Kant’s critical philosophy. Although the meanings of this concept are various in different contexts of Kant’s philosophical analysis, a comprehensive and systematic exposition to the concept is still lack of. In most cases, “reflection” is laid as a ground for other claims in the system. There is no doubt that the so-called appendix “The Amphiboly of the Concepts of Reflection” in the Critique of Pure Reason provides a rather complete account for the theory of reflection. Despite being apparently as a systematic critique of Leibniz’s philosophy, this appendix consists of a philosophical insight on how the reflection functions as normative source for human cognitive activities. This study will argue that ‘transcendental reflection’ is a normative source for human cognition due to its characteristics depicted by Kant. These characteristics conform with the idea of critical philosophy when it becomes an unescapable duty for this philosophical programme to determine the legitimate employment of human capacities, their boundaries and limitations, even to uncover unavoidable illusions hidden in human reason. Under this interpretation, the idea of transcendental reflection is not only the main theme of this appendix, but also at the very heart of the critical philosophy.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098154501
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001540
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