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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/131556

    Title: 非知識密集型服務業對數位化的動機與成果: S 公司之個案分析
    The Motivations and Performance of Digitalization for Non-KIBS Firms: A case study Of Company S
    Authors: 李思瑀
    Li, Ssu-Yu
    Contributors: 羅明琇
    Li, Ssu-Yu
    Keywords: ERP
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 11:57:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在過去十年之中,服務業都是台灣GDP佔比最大的。根據勞動部的統計分類,可將服務業分類為「知識密集型服務業(Knowledge Intensives Business Services, 簡稱KIBS)」與「非知識密集服務業(簡稱 Non-KIBS)」。從主計處過去四次的「工業及服務業普查報告」可看出,非知識密集服務業的從業人數、企業家數都遠遠超過知識密集型服務業,但是兩者的全年生產毛額卻相差無幾。比較兩者的數位化深度,知識密集型服務業的數位化深度是遠遠超過非知識密集型服務業的。綜觀整體服務業而言,「其他服務業」之中的美髮及美容美體業,其數位化深度是所有的服務業之中最低。 因此,本文將透過其他服務業之中,數位化深度最低且競爭最為激烈的產業 - 美髮及美容美體業-為出發點,來探討非知識密集型服務業數位化的動機與結果。
    透過主計處對於資訊化深度的項目分類,本文將以ERP作為企業數位化的最終點,研究美髮及美容美體業導入ERP等系統的前因結果,本文透過個案分析方式來剖析個別公司在ERP導入前後,團隊內部的資源部屬、管理模式、營業模式與營業效率的變化,來探究導入ERP前、中、後的動機、風險與優勢。 本文選擇 S 公司作為個案分析的研究對象。本文發現,S公司數位化的動機為簡化部門作業流程與增進系統間資訊流通等等企業內部效率與整合的需求。透過數位化,讓S公司人員配置、薪資支出都有顯著的減少,並且人均營業額、店均營業額也有顯著成長。此外,從管理角度上,透過S公司過去系統導入的成功與失敗經驗,將成功數位化的關鍵歸納成三大要素 – 管理階級要素、專案團隊要素、使用者要素。從S公司的經驗發現,三大要素之間的平衡關係才能促成公司對系統的成功導入。此外, S 公司也提供了後 ERP時代,數位化的寶貴經驗。S公司透過資料倉儲(Data Warehouse)的整合,讓S公司得以解決各部門獨立系統之間的資訊不對稱 (Information Asymmetry),更開創新的數位化契機。
    The service industry has taken the largest proportion in Taiwan’s GDP in the past decade. According to the classification from Ministry of Labor, the service industry can be categorized into KIBS(Knowledge Intensives Business Services) and non-KIBS. Based on the past four “Industry and Service Censuses” published by National Statistics, the non-KIBS has exceeded the KIBS by large in terms of number of persons engaged and number of enterprises. However, the Annual Gross Value of Production of the two are identical. Compares to the KIBS, non-KIBS has lagged behind in digitalization.
    Throughout the whole service industry, the Beauty Treatment industry under Other service Activities Sector has the lowest digitalization rate. Therefore, this thesis will investigate the motivation and performance of digitalization for non-KIBS firms through the Beauty Treatment industry – the industry with fierce competition and the lowest digitalization rate.
    This thesis defines ERP to be the essential stage of digitalization based on the “Operation Digitalization Overview” defined by the National Statistics. In order to study the motivation, potential risks and consequences of implementing ERP for Beauty Treatment Industry, this thesis deploys case study method to analyze changes in human resource allocation, management decision, operation strategy and operation efficiency for an individual company. The anonymous company – S is chosen as the object of research. This study suggests that the main motivation for Company S to implement ERP is to simplified the operation process, to enhance the information flow between independent systems and other internal integration and efficiency improvements. After the introduction of ERP and other systems, the company has achieved fewer staffing and salary expenditure while improving the per capital and per location revenue. Furthermore, from managerial prospective, this study is able to utilize the experiences of the company S and summarize the key factors of an successful implementation of ERP mentioned in (Mitra & Mishra, 2016) into three: Perception of Management, User acceptance and Project Team Effectiveness. From the prospective of the past experiences of company S, this study finds that the balanced relationship between the three factors are indispensable for a successful ERP implementation. Also, the object of research provides an invaluable experience on digitalization in the post-ERP era. The introduction of Data Warehouse solves the information asymmetry amongst different departments and it create new digital possibilities.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107932402
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001227
    Appears in Collections:[經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文

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