题名: | 半導體通路商企業經營策略與財務危機管理之探討-以G公司為例 Discussion on the Business Strategy and Financial Distress Management of Semiconductor Distributors-Take G Company as an Example |
作者: | 林哲仁 Lin, Che-Jen |
贡献者: | 季延平 林哲仁 Lin, Che-Jen |
关键词: | 半導體通路商 財務危機 企業策略 危機管理 Semiconductor Distributor Financial Distress Corporate Strategy Crisis Management |
日期: | 2020 |
上传时间: | 2020-09-02 11:54:33 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 半導體產業是台灣近三四十年來相當重要的產業鏈,未來的新興明星產業如5G、AI人工智慧、物聯網等都跟半導體產業有密切關連。半導體通路商為上游元件製造廠(IDM,IC業者)與下游電子成品製造商(OEM/OBM/ODM)之間的橋樑,為兩者提供專業的供應鏈管理服務。 過去五年間半導體產業仍處成長期,半導體通路商產業亦跟隨著蓬勃發展且經營績效頗佳,唯獨個案公司在這段期間遭逢經營上亂流而形成財務危機。本研究以個案G公司為研究對象,透過相關文獻及個案公司各項資料的蒐集整理與個案的深度訪談,探討個案公司先前因經營管理失當造成連續數年大幅虧損超過半數資本額之原因,致股價跌破面額與銀行授信大幅減少等,如蝴蝶效應般的產生財務危機之過程後;接著探討個案公司如何從企業策略的調整來擬定新的行動方案與設定關鍵成功因素,然後在上述行動方案導引下,在近兩三年內所執行的各項對內改善措施與對外改善措施的一一深入剖析與說明,以及分析個案公司執行財務危機管理措施後各項實質、明顯成效的闡述。 企業經營產生財務危機的案例時有所聞,國內國外皆然,但不論企業規模大小,大部分皆以被清算破產、被廉價併購、或被強迫下市而結束企業生命;能夠振衰起敝,化危機為轉機而重生者卻如鳳毛鱗爪般稀少,本研究除了學術理論的說明外,更強調在實務面之探討,畢竟每個財務危機案例的背景或成因皆不同,危機管理絕對沒有像手機APP軟體可以「複製」加「貼上」即可完成者,故期能作為日後它企業在建立危機管理方案與危機管理機制的實務運用案例與參考價值。畢竟2020年黑天鵝「新冠肺炎」無預警來襲,全球經濟活動及百工百業皆深受影響,危機管理已是所有企業經營者未來面臨的必修課。 The semiconductor industry is a very important industrial chain in Taiwan for the past four decades. Future emerging industries such as 5G, AI artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things are all closely related to the semiconductor industry. Semiconductor distributors are the bridge between upstream component manufacturers (IDM, IC manufacturers) and downstream electronic product manufacturers (OEM / OBM / ODM), and provide professional supply chain management services for the both. In the past five years, the semiconductor industry is still in the growth phase, and the semiconductor distributor industry has also followed a booming development with good operating performance. Only the case company experienced financial turmoil during this period. This study takes Case G Company as the research object, through the collection of relevant literature and various information of the case company and in-depth interviews with the case, to explore the cause of the case company`s previous substantial loss of more than half of the capital for several consecutive years due to improper management, the stock price fell below the denomination and the bank`s credit was greatly reduced, such as the butterfly effect of the financial distress process; then discuss how the case company from the adjustment of corporate strategy to formulate a new action plan and set key success factors, and then the above action plan under the guidance, the internal and external improvement measures implemented in the past two or three years are analyzed and explained in depth, as well as the analysis of the substantive and obvious results of the case company`s implementation of financial distress management measures. Cases of financial distress caused by corporate operations have been heard, both domestically and abroad, but regardless of the size of the enterprise, most of them ended their lives due to liquidation and bankruptcy, low-cost mergers and acquisitions, or being forced out of the market; It’s as if the rebirth of turning a crisis into a turning point is as scarce as a phoenix! In addition to the explanation of academic theory, this research emphasizes the discussion on the practical side. After all, the background or cause of each financial distress case is different. There is absolutely no crisis management like mobile phone APP software that can be "copied" and "posted" to complete .Therefore, it can be used as a practical case and reference value for other companies in establishing crisis management plans and crisis management mechanisms in the future. After all, in 2020, the Black Swan "COVID-19" strikes without warning. Global economic activities and all industries are deeply affected. Crisis management is already a required course for all business operators in the future. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 106932095 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106932095 |
数据类型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001260 |
显示于类别: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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