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Title: | 從O2O探討旅遊業商務差旅之營運模式 Discussing the business model of tourism business travel from O2O |
Authors: | 王彩鳳 Wang, Tsai-Feng |
Contributors: | 韓志翔 Han, Chih-Hsiang 王彩鳳 Wang, Tsai-Feng |
Keywords: | 品牌知名度 O2O 體驗 延續 大量客製 跨域協同 隨時服務 人工智慧 Brand awareness O2O Experiences Continuity Mass customization Cross-domain collaboration Anytime service Artificial intelligence |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-09-02 11:54:15 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 旅遊業是很容易受到外在因素影響而波動的產業,容易受政治、經濟、疾病、季節、天氣、天災、人禍等種種因素而影響,如何在變化快速的環境下,打造出消費者認同、信任的品牌,創造出有獨特性、差異性的商品,讓消費者買單,市場知名度打開後,品質也是很重要一環,旅遊產業的核心價值是人的服務,旅遊是透過人跟人的接觸而感受與體驗,這件事不能全都被資訊跟機器所取代,因此,實體店面營業據點與虛擬網路形成O2O的經營模式,簡單的產品可以透過網路完成交易,但是複雜的行程就需要專業的旅遊從業人員來服務跟解說,透過O2O線上加上線下服務,才能打造出有效率又有溫度的旅遊體驗。 隨著智慧型裝置運用與網路越來越普及化,讓實體世界與網路世界的串接不再是難事;因此,不論是實體或在線領域的業者,都紛紛喊「虛實整合」。在O2O的行銷浪潮下,實體業者想的是如何透過O2O帶來的數位化資料搜集與分析,更加貼近消費者;而在線業者則希望藉由O2O的引流和黏著性,培養、留住忠誠消費者。即便全世界各OTA串起還是無法完全取代所有的服務流,原來,O2O行銷的本質仍是服務,而服務的核心則是「體驗」以及「延續」。 門市專注在地客群的經營,藉由掌握客戶、分析客戶、瞭解客戶,並達成開發潛在客戶的任務,加上善用多年經營的分眾社群,讓通路虛實並進、分進合擊,再創造最大通路能量及利潤。如果能以使用者體驗為價值核心,整合相關產業之線上與線下資源,建構多贏之生態系統,並且透用數據分析、雲端計算、行動應用、智慧終端,以及社群商務等來開發高附加價值創新服務。 全球上網人口不斷攀升,讓旅遊產業的資訊透明度變得越來越高,旅遊業者必須改變,從產品研發、創新,提供消費者更有質量的、個人化的沉浸式旅遊體驗服務,可以從「大量客製」、「跨域協同」、「隨時服務」、「人工智慧」等四個方式著手,人的成本太高,效率不高,單一化元件、容易被比較的產品可以透過網路下單完成,所以旅行社更要在行動運用工具的技術上不斷優化,尤其是手機的運用越來越普及,人手一支手機,所有的資訊都可以從手機上取得,讓消費者隨時可以收到旅遊資訊,透過搜尋過的data提供個人化的資訊給消費者,讓消費者體驗越來越完整,進而培養黏著性,留住忠誠消費者。 Tourism industry often fluctuates and easily be affected by external factors and causes. It may be susceptible to various factors such as politics, economy, diseases, seasons, climate, calamities, and even man-made disasters, etc. To build a brand that consumers recognize and trust in a rapid and ever-changing environment, develop and produce unique and differentiated products that consumers are willing to pay for, when all are said and done, quality also plays an important role. The core value of the tourism industry is its human touch, the experience of tourism is achieved through the contact between people. These human factors cannot be substituted with machine or by just providing good information to the consumers. Therefore, brick and mortar stores and online channel evolved into an O2O business model. Simple and prepackaged products can be purchased and completed online, whereas complex and special itineraries require professional travel agent to assist and explain. Through O2O online to offline, online customers to brick and mortar locations as well as create a seamless digital experience before, during, and after, creating the “WoW” effect and driving positive customers experiences! With smart devices and the Internet become more popular, connecting the physical world and the internet world is a way of life; therefore, both the physical and online operators are calling for "virtual and physical world integration", the so called, “Omni Channel”. Under the trend of O2O, "clicks-to-bricks" or "click and mortar" models, the physical operators want to use the digital data and analysis gathered from O2O in an attempt to be closer to it consumers; while the online operators, using the same data, hope to cultivate, filter and retain its loyal customers by increasing its stickiness with them. Having said that, even if all the OTAs (Online Travel Agent) around the world is connected digitally, it is still impossible to completely cover all service flows. As it turns out that the essence of O2O remains in providing services to the consumer, and, the backbone of this so-called services, is in reality, “Customer Experiences” and “Continuity". The brick and mortar store focuses on the cultivation of surrounding customer groups. By knowing the customers, analyze and understand their needs and preferences, segmentation and filter out potential customers supported by both channels, virtual and real (online/offline), optimizing channel energy and profit. Additionally, embracing “User Experience” as a core value by integrating online and offline resources from related industries, building a win-win ecosystem and through the use of data analysis, cloud computing, mobile applications, smart terminals, and social commerce to further create high value-added innovative services. With global internet user continuing to increase, and the tourism industry information has never been more transparent as a result. The tourism industry must change from the simple “one for all” types of product development and move toward creating products that are customized and individualized “immersive travel” type of travel experiences. There are four components in which to pursuit, "mass customization", "cross-domain collaboration", "anytime service", and "artificial intelligence". For products with single components and comparison can easily be made online, such transaction can be completed through the internet and fulfilled, circumvent the high cost of human interaction. As such, travel agencies must continue to optimize the technology of mobile applications, especially when practically everyone now has a mobile phone. Consumers can obtain and receive travel information from anywhere, at any time via their mobile phone. Utilizing big data obtain from consumers’ searched data, travel agent can proactively provide tailored made, personalized travel itinerary to consumers, creating that “special” consumer experience and therefore, building the bond and increasing stickiness and building loyalty from it consumers. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 106932029 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106932029 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001620 |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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