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    政大典藏 > College of Commerce > Department of MIS > Theses >  Item 140.119/131489
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    Title: 形式化 Gas 弱點偵測及攻擊生成
    Symbolic Gas Vulnerability Detection and Attack Synthesis
    Authors: 彭旻浩
    Peng, Min-Hao
    Contributors: 郁方
    Yu, Fang
    Peng, Min-Hao
    Keywords: 區塊鏈
    Smart contract
    Control flow graph
    Gas estimation
    Gas vulnerability
    Symbolic execution
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 11:45:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近期,不只是在資訊領域,區塊鏈技術的應用正在如火如荼的快速成長中。各種新興虛擬貨幣如雨後春筍般大量出現,新創產業也陸續利用發行ICO的方式募資。有賴於智能合約,區塊鏈能夠運用的領域越來越廣泛。智能合約的功能就像一支在區塊鏈上的程式,使用者可以對智能合約發起交易,交易的過程所執行的內容,則是由智能合約中的程式邏輯決定,比方說一個點數交換的智能合約,其中可能包含了點數的轉換或是儲值的功能。各式各樣的智能合約已經存在目前的區塊鏈環境中,但就像是一般的程式一樣,智能合約也是有可能成為惡意行為的攻擊對象。此次研究的目的,是希望能夠透過靜態分析,針對尚未執行前的智能合約進行 Gas 弱點檢查。我們希望能夠讓使用者在尚未執行智能合約之前,就能夠先針對智能合約進行檢測。在部份的研究中,已經有些實用的工具能夠檢查出針對 Gas 潛在的風險。而我們希望能夠針對智能合約執行時的 Gas 消耗進行分析,透過我們的分析,能夠偵測智能合約中是否包含 Gas 相關的弱點。
    Successful executions of smart contracts require sufficient pre-allocated transaction fees, i.e., gas, on Ethereum. A gas vulnerability is a feasible execution of smart contracts that has its gas consumption depending on external inputs, e.g., used to check loop conditions or to calculate gas formulas. Such gas vulnerabilities may be exploited to raise massive gas consumption that leads the execution to unexpected exceptions. In this work, we propose an instruction-level symbolic stack simulation approach for systematic gas vulnerability detection and attack synthesis. The analysis process consists of 1) a sound control flow graph construction with blocks that are associated with their gas formulas and stack states, 2) symbolic execution path enumeration along with path and gas constraints generation, where loops are symbolically encoded with an auxiliary index for the number of iterations, and 3) gas vulnerability detection and its attack synthesis. To synthesize an attack to exploit the vulnerability, we use the sat model returned by an SMT solver to generate the inputs to trigger the execution that exceeds the gas limit. We report our analysis results against various contracts on Etherscan and In-house development cases, revealing previously unknown vulnerabilities in these contracts.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107356010
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001258
    Appears in Collections:[Department of MIS] Theses

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