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    Title: 平台互動性於各類服務中對資訊揭露之影響
    Do platforms influence information disclosure across services
    Authors: 羅靖婷
    Luo, Jing-Ting
    Contributors: 林怡伶

    Lin, Yi-Ling
    Chien, Shih-Yi

    Luo, Jing-Ting
    Keywords: 隱私顧慮
    Privacy concern
    Information disclosure
    Task-Technology Fit
    Media richness
    Human-Robot Interaction
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 11:44:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來技術和資訊平台日新月異,自動化也已經成為現代各類服務中的趨勢,也有助於無人商店的發展。應用新的科技平台可能會引發隱私問題,導致使用者揭露個人資訊的意願降低。資訊揭露是促進新技術發展的重要因素,對於數據的收集與分析是不可或缺的因子。而隨著使用者對於隱私問題的顧慮增加,在面臨新技術時通常會降梯資訊的提交意願。資訊平台必須通過提供的適當的媒體豐富度來降低用戶對於平台的不確定性。媒體豐富性理論已經在不同的媒體平台上討論了一段時間,以及任務科技適配理論(TTF)也已應用於跨平台的資訊系統。為了研究隱私權顧慮、資訊揭露,媒體豐富度和任務科技適配度之間的關係,本研究以TTF概念結合了媒體豐富度理論,實驗設計中包括資訊平台(iPad和Pepper人型機器人)結合無人商店服務來驗證其關係。在這項研究中進行了兩輪實驗。研究一利用發放問卷驗證有關隱私權顧慮、資訊揭露和任務科技適配度模型的結果,當使用者認為該資訊系統可以有效的幫助他們完成醫療或銀行服務,使用者將放心的提交個人的醫療及財務資訊於系統中。研究二則實際探討兩種平台(iPad和機器人)之間的差異以及三種不同服務(零售服務,醫療服務和銀行服務)之間的差異,利用模擬的無人商店實驗實際觀察使用者的平台操作行為。結果顯示,隱私顧慮確實降低使用者資訊接受的意願,而使用者願意提交自己認為較不敏感的資訊。另外,服務內容顯著影響資訊揭露的行為,使用者較願意在零售業(便利商店)的服務中提供資訊,當使用者認為方便或是提交的資訊合理且適合該項服務時,會提升他們提交資訊的意願。而平台的差異在研究二中反而沒有顯著的效果,除此之外,本研究發現個人差異也是一個影響資訊揭露的因素。本研究將使電子商務領域和人機互動領域提供有效的建議。
    Technology and media change rapidly in recent years. Automation has been a trend especially for unmanned store development. Applying new technical tools may cause privacy concerns, leading to a low willingness to disclose personal information. Information disclosure is an important factor to facilitate the development of a new technology, which often decreases while a user`s privacy concern increases. Technical tools need to reduce user uncertainty through rich information provided. Media richness theory has been discussed in different media platforms for a while. Also, task technology fit (TTF) has been applied to various information systems across diverse task contexts. To examine the relationship between privacy concerns, information disclosure, media richness, and information technologies, the media richness theory was extended with the TTF concept in this study. Technology platforms (iPad vs. Pepper robot) and unmanned store service are included in the experimental design. Two rounds experiments are conducted in this study. Study 1 provide the significant results of privacy concern, information disclosure and TTF model. Users will disclose more personal information if they think the system can help them well. Study 2 provide the difference between two platforms (iPad and robot) and the difference among three different service (retail, medical, and financial). The results show that privacy concern has a negative impact on information disclosure. Additionally, the service context also significantly influences information disclosure. Last but not the least, personality is a factor that should also put into consideration. The findings can benefit the e-commerce fields and human-robot interaction context.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107356004
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001439
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