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    Title: 英語學習者於課堂外自主網衝之能動性: 學習者個人與他者之差異
    EFL Learner Agency in Out-of-class Free Voluntary Surfing: Inter-and-intra Individual Variability
    Authors: 王費瑜
    Wang, Fei-yu
    Contributors: 李思穎

    Sy-ying Lee
    Hsueh-ying Yu

    Fei-yu Wang
    Keywords: 課堂外線上學習
    Out-of-class Online Learning
    Free Voluntary Surfing
    EFL learner agency
    Complex Dynamic Systems Theory
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 11:33:38 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著現代科技日新月異,課堂外的網路學習儼然成為電腦輔助教學領域的重要流派。同時,學習者能動性的重要性近年已獲得第二語言習得研究者的關注,鑑於此兩新興學術範疇所存在的潛在關聯,這篇貫時性的質性研究旨在探究以英語為外語的學習者於課堂外自主網衝的能動性。此研究主要基於兩項前提:(一)語言學習者針對其學習目標為具有學習意圖、意志力和能力的施為者;(二)學習者之能動性並非靜態結果,而是該施為者與其環境互動的動態結果之呈現。此研究包含兩個目的:(一)深入探究個別學習者內部與外部影響其學習能動性的因素;(二)記載個別學習者進行課外自主網衝的學習軌跡,以檢視外語學習者個人與他者學習能動性之差異。
    With the prevalence and convenience of modern technology, out-of-class online learning has become an important line of inquiry in the field of CALL. Also, the significance of learner agency has raised researchers` attention in the field of SLA. This longitudinal study was set to probe two EFL learners` learner agency in the practice of out-of-class Free Voluntary Surfing with the awareness of the potential link between the two burgeoning academic areas. The exploration of the overarching construct in the naturalistic learning outside the classroom is under the two premises. First of all, learners are agents who have intent, will, and capacity to achieve desired or intended learning goals. Second, learner agency is not a static construct but a dynamic interplay between the agent and the embedded context. Therefore, the purpose of this study is twofold: (a) it delves into the individual (i.e., internal) and contextual (i.e., external) factors impacting learner agency and (b) it documents the individual trajectory of out-of-class Free Voluntary Surfing to uncover their intra-and-inter variability in learner agency.
    Underpinning this qualitative inquiry by the non-linear thinking, the theoretical framework of Complexity Dynamic Systems Theory was borrowed to capture the complexity and dynamism behind the agentive learning behavior in out-of-class FVS. The holistic view deriving from the theoretical lens of Complex Dynamic Systems Theory has included the past-present-and-future perspective in this qualitative research. This historical-and-processual examination of EFL learner agency has taken the impact of the factor of time—the past learning experience, and present engagement, and changes after pouring the strenuous efforts in out-of-class informal digital learning—into consideration that provides the researcher a better understanding of the inquiry under examination.
    This study has adopted situational analysis for the exploration of research inquiries. Employing situational analysis as the analytical tool in this study, the three maps (relational map, social arenas map, and positional map) engendered from the multiple data sources, including questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, Facebook postings, and the researcher’s reflectional journals, uncover the influential factors and the trajectory of learner agency in the self-initiated and self-directed practice of out-of-class FVS.
    With the revelation of the two sub-systems of individual and contextual factors empowering or constraining the two participants’ agentive learning behaviors in out-of-class informal online learning, the findings showcase that the various levels of EFL learner agency have resulted from the individual learners’ self-organization of and co-adaptation to the emergent factors in the process. The emergence of the individual trajectories features the initial learning conditions, engagement, and changes along with the strenuous efforts the two agents pouring in the practice outside the language classroom.
    Further, while the study has documented the individuality and particularity of individual EFL learner agency, the qualitative inquiry has foregrounded the enablement of the different aspects—motivational, metacognitive, social, and contextual empowering language learners’ agentive behavior, including interest, reflection, the support from a more able member in the community, and the affordances of the Internet.
    On the other hand, with regard to the mutual influence of formal learning in out-of-class informal online learning, the study has captured the negative force of schoolwork and tests that constrain EFL learner agency in the self-initiated online learning outside the classroom. Situating EFL learner agency in out-of-class Free Voluntary Surfing in the theoretical lens of Complex Dynamic Systems Theory, the findings bring to fore the relational and emergent nature of the overarching construct in informal online learning outside the language classroom. The unveiling of the individual trajectory of learner agency further supports the potential of out-of-class Free Voluntary Surfing in making EFL learning more meaningful, relevant, and pleasant, particularly among non-English majors.
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