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Title: | 新創團隊的成長策略 — 以A公司為例 A Startup Team’s Growth Strategy: A Case Study on Company A |
Authors: | 蘇逸珊 Su, Yi-Shan |
Contributors: | 黃國峯 酈芃羽 蘇逸珊 Su, Yi-Shan |
Keywords: | 新創團隊 新創融資 競爭優勢 |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-08-03 18:45:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自2013年開始,新創公司在台灣如雨後春筍般快速發展起來,初始階段因政府法規、大環境條件不夠成熟,大部分的新創公司在缺乏資源的情況下,很容易失敗。但近幾年在政府與民間企業攜手努力經營創業環境之下,現在的新創公司擁有更多的資源與能量供其發揮。 本研究將與A新創公司合作,採用深入訪談法,期望透過分析新創公司的成長策略,以了解新創公司之在成長的道路上面臨到的問題需要注意哪些事項。筆者將以黃國峯(2020)的3S策略作為主軸,由競爭優勢探討企業內外部環境條件為何,並依照新創融資的各階段,對照3S策略,了解新創公司的定位後,再深入探討團隊成員合作的方式是否與新創公司的成功有關,最後將依據個案公司面臨的問題給予實質建議與回饋。 Since 2013, startups have sprung up rapidly in Taiwan. At the initial stage, due to the immaturity of government regulations and large environmental conditions, most startups are prone to failure in the absence of resources. However, in recent years, under the environment in which the government and private enterprises have worked together to create an entrepreneurial environment, new startups now have more resources and energy to play. This research will cooperate with a startup and use in-depth interview research method. It is hoped that by analyzing the growth strategies of startup, we will understand what issues need to be paid attention to in the problems faced by the startup on the growth path. The author will use Huang (2020)`s 3S strategy as the main axis, discuss the internal and external environmental conditions of the company from competitive advantages, and in accordance with the stages of new venture financing, compare the 3S strategy and understand the positioning of the new company, and then discuss the team members in depth Whether the way of cooperation is related to the success of the startup company, in the end, it will give substantive suggestions and feedback based on the problems faced by the case company. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 108363056 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108363056 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000840 |
Appears in Collections: | [MBA Program] Theses
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