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    Title: 親子對消費性包裝商品購買之決策因素-以 M 公司為例
    Parent-child Decision-making Factors For The Purchase of Consumer Packaged Goods-M Company
    Authors: 陳欣柔
    Chen, Hsin-Jou
    Contributors: 洪為璽
    Hung, Wei-Hsi
    Chen, Hsin-Jou
    Keywords: 親子行銷
    Parent-Child Marketing
    Purchase Decision
    Grounded Theory
    Consumer Packaged Good
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:45:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來台灣出現少子化現象,生育率逐年減少,可能影響家長在購買家 庭用品或是兒童用品時的購買決策因素,本研究針對 M 公司消費性包裝商 品,透過紮根理論的研究方式,與親子家庭進行焦點訪談,於訪談過程中探 討親子進行消費時的購買決策因素, 主要討論的問題如下列四點,第一點: 家長在購買消費性包裝商品時對於產品外觀決策層面之評估要素。第二點: 家長在購買消費性包裝商品時對於產品功能決策層面之評估要素。第三點: 家長在購買消費性包裝商品時對於價格與價值決策層面之評估要素。第四點: 家長在購買消費性包裝商品時小孩喜好對於家長的影響程度。
    藉由研究訪談結果可以歸納出幾種家長的決策因素,其中對於產品外觀 的考量因素包含特色圖案、方便性、流行性、象徵價值,對於產品功能的考 量因素包含實用性、健康性、獨特性,對於價格與價值的考量因素包含組合 商品的吸引力、認知價格、產品知識,且大部分的家長在購買小孩會使用的 商品時,皆會考量到小孩本身的喜好。希望可以藉由本研究的探討,提供給 相關業者在進行親子行銷決策上之參考。
    In recent years, the phenomenon of declining birthrates has occurred in Taiwan, and the fertility rate has decreased year by year, which may affect parents’ purchasing decisions when buying household or children’s products. Through a series of interviews, we tend to explore the purchasing decision factors of parents and children when they shopping. We invited several groups of families for conducting in-depth interviews. The main issues discussed are the following four points. The first is parents` decision- making and evaluation factors for product appearance when purchasing consumer packaged goods. The second is the importance of parents` decision-making and evaluation factors for product functions when purchasing consumer packaged goods. The third is the price and value decision and evaluation factors when purchasing consumer packaged goods. Fourth is the extent to which children’s preferences that affect parents when purchasing consumer packaged goods.
    Based on the results of the interviews, several parental decision-making factors could be summarized here. The consideration factors for product appearance include characteristic patterns, convenience, popularity, and symbolic value, and the considerations for product functions include practicality, health, and uniqueness. The considerations for price and value include the attractiveness of combined products, cognitive prices, and product knowledge, and most parents will consider the children`s own preferences when purchasing products that children will be using. It is hoped the results of this study could be used as references for relevant companies to make decisions when marketing parent-child products.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107363110
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000704
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