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    题名: 外送使用行為的影響因素調查
    Investigating the factors influencing the online food delivery service
    作者: 廖緯霖
    Liao, Wei-Lin
    贡献者: 洪叔民

    Horng, Shwu-Min
    Pai, Pei-Yu

    Liao, Wei-Lin
    关键词: 美食外送平台
    food delivery platform
    sharing economy
    service quality
    日期: 2020
    上传时间: 2020-08-03 18:43:37 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 從 2018 年到 2019 年,台灣餐飲業呈現小幅成長,同時美食外送市場在整體的營業額佔比也逐漸提升,可見消費者對於美食外送服務的接受度逐漸提高。在眾多美食外送服務模式中,本研究以符合共享經濟概念的美食外送平台作為探討對象,這類平台不需自行開設餐廳且外送員上線時間不受平台管束,平台僅是資訊的串聯者,因此必須提供誘因吸引餐廳及外送員加入平台來為用戶提供服務。本研究探討平台服務品質、科技接受模型、個人因素對於用戶使用行為的影響,並以當前環境 COVID-19 疫情影響當作干擾變數,探討在疫情影響下用戶的使用行為,並提供平台業者在產品及服務模式的建議。
    本研究共收集 299 份有效問卷,透過多元迴歸統計方式驗證假說。研究結果發現,科技接受模型的「認知有用性與易用性」對於使用行為有正向顯著影響,其餘變數(平台可信度、服務提供者、社交互動、傾向節省價格、傾向節省時間)則無顯著影響;干擾效果中,「社交互動、認知有用性」存在負向的干擾效果、「認知易用性」存在正向的干擾效果。認知有用性與易用性是影響使用行為的主要因素,但目前服務範圍集中於商業區與使用者多為年輕族群,建議美食外送平台可以從兩個面向擴大市場;其他變數都無顯著影響,美食外送平台仍須提供相對應的服務,如:將消費者的資料妥善保管、對外送員定期提供訓練與更新規範,以讓外送員提供良好服務。在干擾效果中,建議美食外送平台在重大公衛事件發生時,用戶會為了減少干擾機會而避免出門,因此要想辦法減少外送員與用戶之間的接觸機會,以提高用戶的使用行為。
    From 2018 to 2019, Taiwanese catering industry showed a slight growth. At the same time, the share of the food delivery market accounted for the overall catering industry was gradually increasing. Obviously, consumers are more willing to use food delivery services. Among all of food delivery services, this study selects those food delivery platforms which under the concept of the sharing economy as the object of discussion. Those platforms don’t need to own any restaurants and the delivery partners are not fully organized by them. They are only a tandem of information, so they must provide incentives to attract restaurants and delivery partners to join the platform then provide services to users. This research explores the relationships among platform service quality, the factors in technology acceptance model and the personal factors, to better understand user behaviors in food delivery platform. Considering the current environment of COVID-19 epidemic, this research also adds this situation as a moderating variable to explore how the epidemic will affect the usage behavior.
    This research collected 299 valid questionnaires and the hypotheses were verified through multiple regression statistics. The study finds that “perceived usefulness and ease of use” in the technology acceptance model have a positive and significant impact on usage behavior. The remaining variables (legal protection and trustworthiness, peer service supplier, social interaction, price saving orientation, time saving orientation) have no significant impact on usage behavior.
    Among the moderation effects, “social interaction” and “perceived usefulness” have negative moderation effect and “perceived ease of use” has a positive moderation effect on usage behavior.
    Based on the result, “perceived usefulness” and “perceived ease of use” are the factors influence usage behavior. However, the current service area is still limited to business areas and users are mostly younger. This study recommends the platforms can expand their markets from these two perspectives. Though other factors have no significant impact on usage behavior, this study still suggests the platforms should perform on an average level, like well-organized users’ information, offer training and update guideline to the delivery partners then they will provide good services. In the moderation effect, this study recommends that the food delivery platform should avoid the interaction between users and delivery partners during the time of epidemic outbreak. Because everyone is afraid of getting affection, it will properly increase users’ behavior.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107363077
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000881
    显示于类别:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文




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