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    Title: 寵物醫療資訊管理平台之商業模式探討——Dr.Pet
    A Study of Business Model of The Pet Medical Information Management Platform——Dr. Pet
    Authors: 徐翌展
    Hsu, I-Chan
    Contributors: 羅明琇
    Lo, Ming-Shiow
    Hsu, I-Chan
    Keywords: 商業模式
    Business model
    Pet medical service
    Pet medical platform
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:42:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來台灣面臨超高齡與超單身社會,越來越多人選擇飼養寵物,這樣新型態的陪伴商機逐漸取代了孩子和伴侶的角色,使得「毛小孩」成為家庭中重要的一員,也帶動整體寵物商機的崛起,根據財政部統計,從2008年至2018年寵物產業銷售額十年成長近七成,達新台幣282.4億,而寵物飼養數目也由160萬隻成長至251萬隻。


    In recent years, Taiwan has faced a super-aged society and a high divorce rate. Therefore, more and more people have chosen to keep pets. This new type of companionship business opportunity has gradually replaced the role of children and partners, making “fur kid” an important member of the family. It also drove the rise of overall pet business opportunities. According to statistics from the Ministry of Finance, the sales revenue of the pet industry in Taiwan grew by nearly 70% from 2008 to 2018, reaching 28.24 billion New Taiwan dollars, and the number of pets in Taiwan increased from 1.6 million to 2.51 million.

    In this wave of pet business opportunities, this study went to the pet products exhibition, which is the largest pet exhibition in Taiwan, for a more in-depth understanding of the pet industry and conducted qualitative interviews with owners. In addition, in order to fully understand the needs of the existing pet market, this study also went to Banqiao Animal Shelter to execute the in-depth interviews with the personnel and visits the veterinarian who has worked in medium-sized animal hospitals and small animal clinics in Taiwan. Through the above qualitative interviews, this study summarizes the three major needs in the current pet industry. In other words, pet owners do not understand the pet facilities or resources in their daily life, and animal hospitals don’t provide offered prices for pet medical services, and also cause the non-transparency of pet medical records, which may lead to the dispute between the animal hospitals and pet owners.

    In response to the above needs, this study hopes that through the establishment of the platform, the launch whose functions focus on “pet map,” “pet medical record management,” and other value-added services to provide the target customer group, that is, pet keepers and Animal Protection Office, Council of Agriculture (COA). The purpose of the platform is to solve the current needs and problems in the pet market in Taiwan and establish a key partnership with animal hospitals and clinics. In the long run, it will further corporate with more pet service providers such as pet insurance and pet shops to create an ecosystem of pet industry in Taiwan.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107363024
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000763
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文

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