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    Title: 動勢心理觀察量表修訂及相關因素研究
    A study of Dongshi Psychological Observation Scale
    Authors: 朱妤璇
    Contributors: 李宗芹
    Keywords: 動勢
    movement observation
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:39:38 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 研究目的:身體是每個人專屬且獨特的寶藏,裡面裝載著關於自身的一切,使身體擁有豐富多元的表達方式。本研究欲探討身體動勢與心理狀態的關聯程度,希望修訂動勢心理觀察量表及動勢自陳式量表,以身體的角度發覺隱藏於身體之內的潛藏心理特質,使個體可以在過程中更加認識自己並達到自我改善。



    Purpose: The body is a unique treasure for everyone, which contains everything about ourselves with different ways of expression. The purpose of this study is to establish a Dongshi psychological observation scale (DPOS) and the revision of Dongshi psychological scale (DPS), which exploring the relationship between body and mind, so that individuals can better understand themselves and achieve self-improvement from the body perspective.

    Method: According to the Dongshi theory by Lee (2010), nine items of observation and evaluation were designed for Dongshi psychological observation scale. The sample consisted of 46 university students (27 females, 19 males) with ages ranging from 20 to 27 (M=22.39, SD=2.10). The participants’ movement were recorded by video recording after oral instructions. The Dongshi psychological scale was administered to 171 participants. Two studies examine the internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and criterion validity.

    Results: All participants were divided into three groups by the three aspects of Dongshi (the strength of body figural, the intensity of body rhythm, the strength of body corporeal feeling) and overall body tendency. The result of Dongshi psychological observation scale shows no significant difference in most psychological scale. Those who had lower degree of the strength of body corporeal feeling in Dongshi had more body appreciation, and those who had lower degree of overall body tendency had more body appreciation and self-esteem. The Dongshi psychological scale has internal consistency and high test-retest reliability.

    Discussion: These findings do not support theoretical hypothesis, which may be due to (1) the psychological scale we selected is inadequacy; (2) the lack of body experience or the anxious test environment affects the body expression; and (3) research process in the observation and evaluation still has to improve.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106172002
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000732
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