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    Title: 以專利分析探究新興領域之產業融合-以自駕車為例
    Exploring Industry Convergence in Emerging Industries by Using Patent Analysis : Autonomous Vehicle as an Example
    Authors: 李思穎
    Lee, Szu-Ying
    Contributors: 宋皇志
    Lee, Szu-Ying
    Keywords: 產業融合
    Technology Management
    Backward Citation
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:36:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以自駕車產業為例,佐證了專利引證分析為一領先指標,不僅能用以了解新興產業融合概況與趨勢、更能用以分析動態的產業邊界,包含:發掘與預測商業機會、潛在參與者與主要推動者。這些資訊能輔助管理者、產業分析人員與政府制定策略與政策。

    本研究的研究貢獻有四個層面,第一、本研究統整了過往使用專利研究產業融合的個案與方法,同時提出適合用以研究新興產業的樣本選取方式。第二、本研究為產業融合的學術實證增添一個案例,證實專利之引證分析不僅能用以研究已融合之產業,亦能用以分析以及預測新興的產業融合趨勢發展。第三,研究發現呼應Curran and Leker(2011)提出之產業融合四階段並非線性發展。最後,本研究擴展向後引證在產業融合的應用,如第一段所述。
    By focusing on autonomous driving industry, this study proves that patent citation data is a leading indicator, which has multiple applications, such as analyzing and forecasting industry convergence trends, and dynamic industrial boundaries including current, possible, and the most important market players. These information is useful to managers and industry analysts in forecasting industry changes, business opportunities, competitors, and possible strategic alliance partners.

    This research contributions are four-fold. Firstly, it summarizes different research methods of case studies using patent data to analyze industry convergence in the past 10 years. It points out the most suitable sample-selection method of analyzing a emerging industry. Secondly, it adds another case study, pointing out that patent citation data can not only be used to analyze and forecast emerged industry but also emerging industry in industry. Thirdly, this study found out that four-stages convergence are not linear, which echo theories raised by Curran and Leker(2011). Last but not least, this study expands the applications of patent citation data as mentioned in the first paragraph.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107364106
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001133
    Appears in Collections:[科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文

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