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    Title: 跨場域英語教學與教師職業自我認同感的轉變:以質性個案研究探索一位台灣教師的英語教學經驗
    Cross-contextual English Teaching and Shifting Teacher Professional Identity: A Qualitative Case Study on a Taiwanese Teacher’s English Teaching Experiences
    Authors: 陳俊宏
    Chen, Jyun-Hong
    Contributors: 招靜琪
    Chao, Chin-Chi
    Chen, Jyun-Hong
    Keywords: 跨教學地域
    English teacher
    Cross-contextual English teaching
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:33:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在全球化的影響下,愈多的英語教師已具有跨地域英語教學的特性。雖然職業自我認同感的轉變的特質已在諸多研究中揭露,但跨教學地域的特質仍未有全貌。本研究旨在探索一位台灣的英語教師在跨地域狀況中,與他人互動時對於她的職業自我認同感的轉變所造成的衝擊。
    本研究採用質性個案研究方法。研究參與者為一位台灣教師,具有在中國與台灣兩地的國中教學情境中豐富的教學經驗。研究資料是透過兩筆口述、兩筆半結構式訪談、兩筆看課紀錄、一場小型團體討論、以及一筆追蹤訪談所收集。訪談大綱包括: (1)英語學習歷程,(2)在台灣與中國教學經驗,(3)受訪者課程觀察,(4)訪談資料。
    研究結果顯示:與各情境中的人有豐富、直接的互動能夠賦予自我認同感正面的轉變,但不足或是間接的互動會造成負面的轉變。結果也顯示出研究參與者正向的自我認同感的轉變會受到與他人共同在面對困難時,所擁有的正向的人際關係所影響。該困難涵蓋: (1)學生的學習目標、(2)教師與家長/教師與學生/教師與教師之間的互動、(3)被情境化的合適英語教師的期待、(4)職業的自我認同感。
    Under the effect of globalization, more English teachers have been capable of teaching across contexts. Though the shifting feature of professional identity has been revealed in many studies, the specific feature across teaching contexts has yet to be fully-explored. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of interpersonal interaction with other individuals on one Taiwanese English teacher’s shifts of professional identity.
    This study employs a qualitative case study method. The participant was one Taiwanese English teacher with rich experience of teaching junior high school students in Chinese and Taiwanese teaching contexts. Data were collected through two oral narratives, two semi-structured interviews, two class observation records, one small group discussion, and one follow-up interview, including the participant’s: (1) English learning history, (2) English teaching experience in Taiwan and China, (3) teaching practice in Taiwan, and (4) reflections and opinions to her identity struggles and the teaching contexts.
    The findings entail that rich, direct interaction with individuals among each contexts empowered a positive identity shift, whereas the lack of interaction or indirect one contributed to a negative transformation. Also, the findings revealed that such positive shift of identity was underlain by positive interpersonal relationships with individuals involved when tackling perceived difficulties, including: students’ learning goals, teacher-student, teacher-parent, teacher-teacher interaction, and contextualized expectation as a suitable English teacher.
    Finally, theoretical and pedagogical implications are derived to offer useful insights for researchers, educational policy makers, and trainers of English teachers.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106951018
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000991
    Appears in Collections:[英語教學碩士在職專班] 學位論文

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