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Title: | 108課綱對四技二專統一入學測驗英文科閱讀能力試題可能影響之研究 A Study on 108 Curriculum Guidelines and Its Possible Impacts on English Reading Comprehension Test in the Technological and Vocational Educational Examination |
Authors: | 黃依琳 Huang, Yi-Lin |
Contributors: | 尤雪瑛 Yu, Hsueh-Ying 黃依琳 Huang, Yi-Lin |
Keywords: | 108課綱 統測英文閱讀測驗 英文閱讀能力 108 Curriculum Guidelines English reading comprehension test in the Technological and Vocational Educational Examination English reading constructs |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-08-03 18:33:42 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 英文閱讀能力對外語學習者而言是重要的技能之一,為了解學習者的英文閱讀能力,英文閱讀測驗被廣泛地使用於各項考試中。在臺灣技職教育體系中,四技二專統一入學測驗是高職生升學的重要依據,而職業學校課程綱要則是課程設計與測驗評量的參考基準。本研究旨在比較新舊課綱中所敘述之英文閱讀能力的差異,透過分析統測英文科閱讀題組與高職英文課綱之吻合程度,討論在新課綱實施後未來試題可能的改變與影響。為了達成此研究目的,本研究分析近十年(2010-2019)統測英文閱讀題組以及99職業學校課程綱要,同時參考與測驗閱讀能力相關教學研究及論文,發展出「課綱檢核表」及「閱讀能力檢核表」作為研究工具。本研究結果顯示,相較於99課綱,108課綱提及許多更具體且未在舊課綱被描述的閱讀能力。在近十年考題中英文科閱讀題組著重於檢視受試者「推論單字」、「了解常用句型」、「從文章中找出特定單字或片語」、與「辨別文章主旨」的能力。就未來考題方向而言,108課綱實施後的試題可能會有更多與「自上而下的閱讀技巧」(Top-down skills)相關的題目以及 「閱讀文本多元化」的改變。希冀藉由本研究之結果協助高職英文教師對於統測英文科閱讀題組與新課綱有更進一步的了解,使考試領導教學產生正面的回沖效應。 English reading ability is one of the most important skills for foreign language learners. With the purpose of understanding learners’ English reading proficiency, the reading comprehension test is widely used in different examinations. In Taiwan’s vocational education system, the Technological and Vocational Educational Examination (TVEE) is a decisive criterion for vocational high school students to enter future technological universities. The Vocational High School Curriculum Guideline (VHSCG) is the reference benchmark for both courses design and teaching and assessment. This research aims to: (1) compare the differences between the old and new curriculum guidelines in terms of the statements of reading constructs; (2) analyze the reading comprehension of the TVEE from 2010 to 2019 and discuss how the tested constructs correspond to 99 VHSCG; and (3) discuss possible impacts on future TVEE. In order to achieve the purpose of this research, the study analyzed ten-year reading test items in the TVEE, and studied the previous literature about assessing reading ability and curricula to develop Curriculum Checklist and Reading Construct Checklist as instruments to analyze the targeted test items. The analysis results of the present study indicate that first, the reading constructs listed in 108 VHSCG are more specific than those mentioned in 99 VHSCG. Second, the constructs of “Make propositional information or explanatory inferences,” “Understand common sentence patterns,” “Locate the specific words or phrases,” and “Identify main ideas” are frequently-tested constructs in the past ten-year TVEE. Third, after the implementation of the 108 CG, more top-down skills may be emphasized in both cloze section and reading comprehension section and may adopt more diverse texts in reading comprehension section. It is hope that the results of the study will help English teachers in vocational high school to get better understanding of the new curriculum guidelines and the reading test of the TVEE. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英語教學碩士在職專班 106951010 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106951010 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000912 |
Appears in Collections: | [英語教學碩士在職專班] 學位論文
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