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    Title: 桌遊對國中生單字學習與學習焦慮感之影響
    The Effect of Board Games on Junior High School Students’ English Vocabulary Learning and Learning Anxiety
    Authors: 蕭逸寧
    Hsiao, Yi-Ning
    Contributors: 許麗媛
    Hsu, Li-Yuan
    Hsiao, Yi-Ning
    Keywords: 桌遊
    Board games
    English vocabulary learning
    English learning anxiety
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:33:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討桌遊應用於台灣國中生英語單字學習之成效,及對學生學習焦慮感之影響,以及學生對桌遊教學的看法。研究參與對象為南台灣某公立國中八年級同班級的28名學生,進行為期8週的桌遊課程,比較課程前後學生之字彙學習表現及英語學習焦慮感程度之差異。研究工具包含自編桌遊、自編英語單字測驗、外語學習焦慮量表及開放式問卷,資料處理方式包含量化及質性分析。研究結果發現學生的單字學習成效有顯著進步,立即後測及延宕後測的分數相較於前測都較高;學習焦慮感方面雖無顯著差異,但後測分數相對桌遊實施前稍微降低。此外,問卷調查結果發現,大部分的學生對桌遊課程有正向回應。最後,根據研究結果,本研究也提出桌遊教學及研究相關建議,作為英語教師對單字教學及研究之參考。
    This study investigated the effect of board games on a group of Taiwanese junior high school students’ English vocabulary learning outcomes and their English learning anxiety. Students’ perceptions of learning English vocabulary through board games were also examined. Twenty-eight 8th graders, who were in the same intact class from a school in Southern Taiwan, participated in the eight-week board-game instruction. The differences of students’ vocabulary performance and English language learning anxiety before and after the instruction were examined. Data were collected through the self-designed board games, the self-designed vocabulary test, Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale, and the perception survey with open-ended questions. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were utilized to analyze the data. The results showed that students gained significant improvement in the vocabulary test scores between the pre-test and the immediate post-test as well as the delayed post-test after the board-game instruction. Moreover, although the students’ scores of Foreign Language Learning Anxiety Scale showed no significant difference before and after the board-game instruction, their anxiety level was found to be slightly lower in the post-test. Furthermore, the findings from the survey indicated that the majority of the participants responded positively on vocabulary learning with board games. Based on the findings, suggestions regarding implementing board games in teaching English vocabulary and doing research are also provided in the study.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106951009
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000694
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