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    题名: 教師賦權增能知識基礎與熱點前沿之可視化分析
    Visual analysis of the intellectual bases, research hotspots and fronts of Teacher empowerment
    作者: 鄭瑋婷
    Cheng, Wei-Ting
    贡献者: 吳政達
    Wu, Cheng-Ta
    Cheng, Wei-Ting
    关键词: 教師賦權增能
    Research front
    Teacher empowerment
    Visual analysis
    Intellectual base
    Research hotspot
    日期: 2020
    上传时间: 2020-08-03 18:31:20 (UTC+8)
    摘要:   十二年國民基本教育課程總綱的革新浪潮下,學校全體成員共同參與的意識抬頭,提倡以學校為中心發展校本課程及領導者權力下放,第一線教師成為課程研究、詮釋及發展的重要核心角色,顯見教師賦權增能的重要性。而現今資訊技術的蓬勃發展有利於教育研究的數據蒐集與檢索,龐雜大量的資訊透過知識圖譜的可視化分析,可進行系統性的整理,以做為教學決策、教育革新等方面的參考依據。
      本研究使用WoS核心合輯資料庫社會學科索引做為文獻來源,以「教師賦權增能」(teacher empowerment)做為主題詞檢索,共得683篇主題文獻。剔除無關文獻後,最終數據為主題文獻477篇,及其施引文獻3, 914篇。進一步透過Citespace軟體繪製文獻共被引聚類視圖,探究教師賦權增能研究領域的知識基礎,並以關鍵字共現聚類視圖呈現研究熱點,同時轉換成時間線視圖與時區視圖,從時間軸的角度分析研究熱點。最後藉由突發性探測,取得高突發性文獻及高突發關鍵詞以揭示研究前沿。
      Going with the tide of the innovation of Directions Governing for the 12-Year Basic Education Curricula, the sense of common participation of all members in school has risen. School-based curriculum development and leadership decentralization are advocated. Front-line teachers having become a core role in curriculum research, interpretation and development, which shows the importance of teacher empowerment. The rapid development of information technology is conducive to the data collection and retrieval of educational research. Through the visual analysis of knowledge mapping, a large amount of information can be systematically sorted out to serve as a reference for teaching decision-making, educational innovation and other aspects.
      In this study, 683 thematic articles were collected from core collection of the Web of Science database within the Topic search term “teacher empowerment”. After excluding the irrelevant references, the final data were 477 subject references and 3,914 citing articles. Citespace was used to draw the references co-citation map to explore the intellectual bases of teacher empowerment research field. The research hotspots were presented in word co-occurrence clustering map, and converted into timeline and timezone view to analyze the research hotspots from the perspective of timeline. Lastly, the research fronts were revealed by obtaining high burstiness literature and terms through citation burst detection.
      The results show that the authors of the literature on high betweenness centrality were White (1992), Bogler (2004), Sweetland (2000), Yukl (1999) and Marks (1997);The seven effective clusters of document co-citation analysis include “Teacher empowerment”, “Working condition”, “Parent involvement”, “Empowering teacher”, “Participative management”, “School innovation” and “Cooperating teacher”, which are the intellectual bases of this research. The high frequency and high betweenness centrality keywords are “empowerment”, “leadership”, “management”, “teacher education” and “performance”;The ten effective clusters of co-word analysis include “Supporting minority student”, “Teacher leadership”, “Good practice”, “Organizational commitment”, “Practitioner research”, “Enacting critical pedagogy”, “Professional development programme”, “School policy”, “Alternative perspective” and “Managing school effectiveness”, which are the research hotspots of this research. Lee and Nie (2014) continue to highlight the literature on psychological empowerment of teachers, which is one of the research fronts. The four keywords “policy”, “influence”, “youth” and “intervention” are also the research fronts.
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