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Title: | 教育選擇權知識圖譜的可視化分析 Knowledge mapping of School Choice research: A visual analysis using CiteSpce |
Authors: | 趙夢菲 Zhao, Meng-Fei |
Contributors: | 吳政達 Wu, Cheng-Ta 趙夢菲 Zhao, Meng-Fei |
Keywords: | 教育選擇權 知識圖譜 知識基礎 研究熱點 研究前沿 CiteSpace school choice knowledge mapping knowledge based research hotspot CiteSpace educational choice research frontier |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-08-03 18:27:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,國內對於教育選擇權的議題越來越重視,國外眾多研究者從各種不同的角度對教育選擇權領域的各個方面進行了大量的研究,這些研究對教育選擇權政策的制定起到了重要的作用。本研究先對教育選擇權相關研究進行整理與統計,在利用CiteSpace軟體進行進行視覺化分析,以探究教育選擇權之知識基礎、研究熱點與研究前沿,為後續相關研究者提供參考。 本研究以Web of Science核心合輯收錄社會科學索引(Social Sciences Citation Index,SSCI)等引文資料庫,以教育選擇權(school choice、educational choice)為檢索詞進行文獻檢索,一共獲得1584篇主題文獻,并採用CiteSpace軟體進行可視化分析。以文獻共被引聚類分析、關鍵詞聚類分析、突現詞分析來探討教育選擇權研究的知識基礎、研究熱點與研究前沿。 根據研究結果與分析,本研究之研究結論歸結如下: 一、教育選擇權之知識基礎為:市區學校、精準區隔界限、政治、多元入學文化、白人大遷移、美國理論、學生學習成就、學校選擇過程和宗教因素。 二、教育選擇權之研究熱點為:大熔爐、脫軌學校、就學機會、家庭教育行為、組織表現、特許學校、班级构成、限制自由。 三、教育選擇權之研究前沿為:不公平、種族與機制。 最後針對本研究結果,對教育選擇權之知識基礎、研究熱點和研究前沿,以及可視化知識圖譜未來發展等方面,提出建設性意見。 In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the issue of educational choice. Many researchers have a large number of studies on the education choice from various angles and various aspects ,which has become the guidelines in the actual reform of the education choice .This study sorts and stats the research related to educational choices, and uses CiteSpace for visual analysis to explore the knowledge base, research hotspots, and research frontiers of educational choices. In this study ,the Social Sciences Citation Index was used from the core collection of the Web of Science database, and “ educational choice ” or “school choice” was used as the search term. Atotal of 1584 subject documents were obtained. This paper discusses the knowledge base, research hotspots and research frontiers of educational choice research with literature co-citation cluster analysis, keyword cluster analysis, and burst detection. The conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: The knowledge base of educational choice research includes the following: urban school,hard bound,the politics, market, white flight, American theory, student achievement, school choice process and religious factor. The hotspots in education choice research include the following: melting pot, detracking school, schooling opportunities, household schooling behavior, organization performance, charter school , classroom composition and restricted liberty. According to the resulet of burst detection,the research frontiers of education choice were inequality, race and mechanism. Finally, based on the results this study, suggestions are mentioned for the future studies on the knowledge of education choice, research hotspots, research frontiers and mapping knowledge domain analysis. Keywords: school choice, educational choice, knowledge mapping, knowledge based, research hotspot, research frontier, CiteSpace |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 教育行政與政策研究所 107171016 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107171016 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001100 |
Appears in Collections: | [Graduate Institute of Educational Administration and Policy] Theses
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