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Title: | 差異化的父職實踐:跨國婚姻家庭的比較研究 Study of doing fatherhood: Comparisons between different kinds of immigrant families via cross-cultural perspective |
Authors: | 何語心 He, Yu-Hsin |
Contributors: | 張盈堃 何語心 He, Yu-Hsin |
Keywords: | 父職實踐 資本 跨國婚姻 性別角色 親職腳本 fatherhood capital cross-cultural marriage gender role childrearing scripts |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-08-03 18:25:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究探討不同類型跨國婚姻家庭的父職實踐,包含:父職角色實踐與家庭親職展演腳本的呈現。研究發現:資本不均影響家庭親職實踐,當資本轉換不易時,父親在扮演家庭決策角色時,皆為跟隨者,且無論國籍為臺灣籍與否,皆投注相當多的時間成本藉以爭取更多的經濟資本,並且藉由長期與社會鄰里的關係建立提高資本轉換的可能性。此也間接影響父親在有限的時間內的父職參與趨於選擇性,選擇偏好或較容易上手的父職實踐,且仍舊不及社會上對於優良父親的高標準檢視;而對於資本轉換容易的家庭,則是以精心劃定孩子人生藍圖作為一種慣習,鞏固自身在社會場域的位置、賦予階級再生產的期望,這也驗證Bourdieu茲就場域所提:資本為不平等之分配。 另一方面,雖文化框架已鬆動,文化與環境為影響做父職的重要因素,由臺灣籍父親與外國籍母親組成的家庭仍續存「男主外、女主內」的性別角色;相反地,外國籍父親與臺灣籍母親所組的家庭則是主張資本才是成為優質父親的關鍵。此外,這些父親自幼皆受到性別與宗教的社會建構,發展出以下三種父職腳本:「誰適合去做,誰就去做」、「男子氣概必須彰顯」及「我才不要像以前一樣」。 The main purpose of this study is to investigate how fatherhood is practiced among different types of intercultural families. To be more specific, how fathers play their role and both parents raise their children. The study finds out that economic, social, cultural and symbolic capital of a family exert a deep impact on fathering. When a family lacks the capital to raise children properly, the father tends to play second fiddle to the mother when it comes to decision-making. Furthermore, the father spends a tremendous amount of time accumulating economic capital and fostering relationships with neighbors to improve chances of upward mobility. As a consequence of lack of time spent with their children, he often opts for lighter or his preferred parental duties, the implication of which is that he fails to live up to society’s standard for a good father. By contrast, in a more financially privileged family, parents have more resources to set their children up for success, maintain their current social status, and potentially move up the social ladder even higher. The aforementioned findings corroborate what Bourdieu proposes in his field theory: the unequal distribution of economic, social, cultural and symbolic capital affects the way fatherhood is practiced in different families.
The study also discovers that stereotypical expectations for parents, such as a father should be the main bread winner, still exist among families composed of a Taiwanese father and a foreign mother despite popular belief to break away from said stereotype. However, in families made up of a Taiwanese mother and foreign father, wealth is a prerequisite for a model father. Lastly, influenced by gender roles and religions, all fathers interviewed in the study have three different beliefs: a parent should do what he or she is good at; a father should display masculinity; a parent shouldn’t repeat his or her parents’ mistakes. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 幼兒教育研究所 106157010 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106157010 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001099 |
Appears in Collections: | [幼兒教育研究所] 學位論文
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