題名: | 政府執行土地使用管制對住宅價格之影響―以師大社區為例 The Effects of Executing Zoning on Housing Price: The Case Study of Shi-Da Community |
作者: | 林哲安 Lin, Jhe-An |
貢獻者: | 劉小蘭 Liu, Hsiao-Lan 林哲安 Lin, Jhe-An |
關鍵詞: | 師大社區 住宅價格 土地使用分區管制 政府失靈 差異中之差異法 Shi-Da Community Housing Price Zoning Government Failure Difference-in-Difference |
日期: | 2020 |
上傳時間: | 2020-08-03 18:09:02 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 臺北市土地進行分區規劃時乃順應既有的土地使用狀況,而住商混合為都市土地常見之使用狀態,然而不相容的使用組將產生許多土地違規使用情形,但政府對於違規使用大多僅採不告不理或勸導的方式進行處置。2012年師大社區爆發住商衝突,迫使政府正視住商混合下土地違規使用對當地居民所帶來的問題,為了調停住商之間的利益衝突,2012年4月臺北市政府發布施行「師大社區違反都市計畫法第七十九條優先裁處作業原則」進行規模性公權力治理以消除土地違規使用所生的外部不經濟。過往研究師大社區住商衝突大多著重於制度面分析,故本研究著眼於經濟面向分析房地產市場價格之變化,以詳實相關研究。 本研究選用2011年4月至2013年3月的師大社區周遭公寓交易資料,運用特徵價格理論、差異中之差異法進行實證分析,以探討「師大社區違反都市計畫法第七十九條優先裁處作業原則」施行之下對於師大社區當地的房價變化,並且進一步考量搜尋期間與政府失靈之因素,探討時間分期的房價變化。實證結果顯示,「師大社區違反都市計畫法第七十九條優先裁處作業原則」施行一年期並未對當地房價造成顯著影響,再將一年分期探討其房價變化,法規對施行後第5個月至第8個月的房價具顯著上漲影響,但對其他時間交易的房價則無顯著影響。 When the government zoning Taipei City, they based on existing land use. Mixed land use is a common phenomenon in Taipei City; however, incompatible land use would result in plenty of violations. The government tends to guide or ignore such violation. In 2012, there are conflicts between residents and the local business, forcing the government to face up to the issues brought by such violation and mediate between both parties. In response to the conflicts, Taipei City Government enacted “Penalty Procedure on Violation of the Urban Planning Act, Article 79”, hereafter “Article 79”, to attenuate the external costs resulting from the illegitimate use. Prior research regarding the conflicts between the residents and the local business focuses on institutional analysis while this study uses empirical methods to investigate the economic effects on housing price. This study utilizes the transaction data of apartment market from April 2011 to March 2013 to examines the influence of the implementation of “Article 79” on housing price in Shi-Da community. This study employs Hedonic Price Theory and uses Difference-in-Difference (DID) method and Spatial Regression Model to provide empirical evidence. Moreover, I take search duration and government failure into account and investigate the housing price in different period of time. The results suggest that there is no significant influence of “Article 97” on the housing price in Shi-Da community in a one-year period. In addition, there is a significant positive effect on the housing price in the second quarter after the implementation of “Article 97” but such significant effect is not found in other quarters. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系 107257018 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107257018 |
資料類型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001007 |
顯示於類別: | [地政學系] 學位論文
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