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    Title: 辦公大樓健康室內設計與裝修評估指標之研究
    The study on healthy interior design and construction assessment indicator of office building
    Authors: 朱宏文
    Chu, Hung-Wen
    Contributors: 孫振義
    Chu, Hung-Wen
    Keywords: 綠建築
    Green Building
    Intelligence Building
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:07:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 綠建築發展已成為世界性熱門的話題,室內設計與施工是建築物不可或缺的過程,然而頻繁的翻新與改造對環境與健康造成直接和間接的危害,空間規劃時除考量裝修量體多寡,設備系統節約、建材選用、循環經濟、機能使用完善、室內環境品質、營運安全管理精進,智慧便捷設施、感知、辨識、處理制動、自預警自修復功能設備,更應該關注人員舒適、生理、心理及精神方面等健康問題。
    The development of green buildings has become a popular topic globally. Interior design and construction are indispensable processes in creating an office building. Nevertheless, frequent renovation and refurbishing projects will cause direct or indirect harm to the environment and human health. In addition to considering the amount of decoration space planning, energy saving of equipment and systems, green building material selection, circular economy, perfect functional use, indoor environment quality, advancement in operation, safety, and management, intelligent and convenient facilities, perception, identification, processing braking, self-warning and self-repairing functional equipment, more attention should be paid to personnel comfort, physiology, psychology, and mental health issues.
    The construction of new or existing commercial office buildings continuously consumes the earth’s resources, causing excessive carbon dioxide emissions and environmental pollution. Based on the goals of green building ecology, energy saving, waste reduction, healthy, and sustainable development, this study uses literature reviews, expert interviews, Likert metrics special scales, Fuzzy Delphi Method questionnaire survey, summed up statistical scores and consensus value analysis, to screen out four main aspects and eighteen key index evaluation items, and used the Analytic Hierarchy Process method to obtain the reasonable indexes and weighted values that affect the health of office buildings. Through the interview records and questionnaire results of various groups of experts such as green associations, architects, electrical & mechanical technicians, interior designers and engineers, property project management, energy consultants, etc., an evaluation system for healthy interior design and decoration indicators for office buildings is established.
    Based on the study, the resulting evaluation suggests that for the first level, the weighted values by rank are 39.2% for environmental quality, 23.0% for safety management, 21.1% for functional use, and 16.7% for recycling. The top five items in order for the second level are indoor air quality management, energy-saving of the air-conditioning system, space-friendly layout, preliminary assessment and analysis, thermal health and comfort, etc.
    The interior decoration of commercial buildings involves a wide range of complex professional skills. It is often necessary to integrate a comprehensive interface of project management. In addition to basic building elements such as structural space modeling, fine arts, and color science, others such as energy-saving, ecological and environmental protection, electrical & mechanical air conditioning and fire protection, green building materials and equipment specifications, functional testing with adjustments and Balances, and various certifications are required. From the perspective of business execution, this study brings together observations from Accredited Professionals in green buildings, intelligent buildings, health, wellbeing buildings, green decoration, green building materials, interior design & construction associations, etc. Interviews were conducted and comments are referenced to clarify the key factors affecting indoor health and establish a basic framework for Green ID+C certification.
    Whether a building is sustainable in terms of environmental protection and health, continuous monitoring, adjustments, and performance verification during the operation period after completion should be implemented to determine if the original design meets the health performance criteria of the actual personnel. The above research results and information are available to construction-related practitioners. During the interior design decoration and building renovation phases, the study gives correct design guidance and construction directions. From the perspective of building operations, the goal is to think about the inherent characteristics of green buildings and their health and pay attention to the ecology and environmental health of the natural world using an inside-out approach. The conclusions and recommendations of this study can be used as a reference basis for the green certification policy, academic research evaluation, and accredited professional business in promoting the implementation of interior design and construction and decoration of commercial office buildings.
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    大學報第1653期; 處心積「綠」台灣綠建築制度待完善。
    城設‧誌,2017,「國際 WELL 健康建築認證標準的特色剖析」。
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106923011
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000797
    Appears in Collections:[地政學系] 學位論文

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