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    题名: 公務人員的個人創新性與公共服務動機對公私部門工作偏好之影響
    The impacts of the public servants’ innovativeness and public service motivation on their public / private-sector preference
    作者: 康宏暐
    Kang, Hung-Wei
    贡献者: 董祥開
    Dong, Hsiang-Kai
    Kang, Hung-Wei
    关键词: 公私部門工作偏好
    Preferences of public / private sector
    Personal innovativeness
    Public service motivation
    Person-organization fit
    日期: 2020
    上传时间: 2020-08-03 18:02:53 (UTC+8)
    摘要:   過去研究曾指出在政府部門的官僚人員天生就具有反創新DNA、保守且厭惡風險發生之個人特質,同時,卻又擁有比一般人更多的公共服務動機。本研究即試圖瞭解這些對於公務人員的認知是否屬實,是否選擇從事公務人員工作者的創新意願真的比較低?並驗證公共服務動機是否會讓人對公部門產生較高的偏好?
      Past researches have pointed out that bureaucrats in the government are anti-innovative DNA, conservative and risk-averse inherently, but at the same time, they have more public service motivation (PSM) than others. This paper attempts to understand whether these perceptions of public servants are true, whether the innovativeness of public servants will be lower? Otherwise, trying to comfirm that whether PSM will indeed make the preference of the public sector much higher?
      This paper uses secondary data for analyses, the source of the data is from the “Constructing The Incentive-Oriented Public Services under the Evidence-Based Human Resource Management Concepts” supported by the Examination Yuan, 2015. The total number of samples in this survey is 3,428 and they are all current public servants in R.O.C. Take “PI” and “PSM” as independent variables, “the preference of public and private sector” as dependent variable, and include personal statistical variables with quantitative analysis method – ordered logistic regression to analyze the person-organization fit of individual public servant in R.O.C. And the results supported the hypothesis of this paper: “the public servant with higher personal innovativeness will consider public sector to be less attractive to work than private sector” and “the public servant with higher public service motivation will consider public sector to be more attractive to work than private sector”. Based on these results, this paper also trys to promote some practical management and policy recommendations.
    參考文獻: 壹、 中文文獻
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