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    Title: 以區塊鏈技術為基礎的數位簽章之接受度探討 —以醫療院所同意書數位化為例
    Research on the Acceptance of Blockchain-based Digital Signature for Electronic Medical Consent Forms
    Authors: 蕭婕
    Hsiao, Chieh
    Contributors: 陳恭
    Chen, Kung
    Hsiao, Chieh
    Keywords: 電子簽章
    Electronic Signature
    Digital Signature
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:02:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文以衛福部107年度委託研究計畫為延伸,以三間醫療機構為研究場域,實證區塊鏈技術於醫療機構之同意書簽署之適用性,探討以區塊鏈技術為基礎的數位簽章之接受度及法律面議題提出兩點研究問題:ㄧ,以區塊鏈憑證進行電子醫療同意書簽署與現行法適用性評估及執行細節;二,使用者對於使用手機App進行電子醫療同意書簽署的接受度分析。研究方法採質性、量化並重,並以UTAUT為研究模型,了解醫療院所如何在合乎相關電子簽署現行法下,推行區塊鏈憑證簽署系統。研究結果有二:第一,醫療機構在認可區塊鏈技術可為電子醫療同意書簽章技術下,確保電子同意書保護程度與電子病歷相同,而簽署前徵得醫病雙方同意,以符合電子簽章法當事人同意原則。院方儲存電子醫療同意書之電磁紀錄,需確保往後內容完整呈現,以供查驗。第二,使用者認為院方解說者態度、同意書簽署App是否易於學習、個人數位資訊之保障,會影響自身使用同意書簽署App意願。院方導入新系統將使服務流程大幅變更,需合適之訓練說明及實質協助,加強推廣區塊鏈技術製作出之數位簽章比一般數位簽章有更高安全性,將有更佳之導入成效。
    This study was based on a project sponsored by the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) from December 2018 to August 2019. This project went through a field experiment in 3 hospitals and aimed to evaluate the feasibility of Blockchain-based Digital Signature for Electronic Medical Consent Forms and related legal issues. Two main research objectives were posed in this study: 1. to explore the regulatory compliance and implementation details of using Blockchain-based Digital Signature. 2. to investigate the possible factors that may influence the users’ adoption of Blockchain-based Digital Signature. The choice of methodology was mixed methods research. We used the UTAUT model to evaluate the acceptance of Blockchain-based Digital Signature for Electronic Medical Consent Forms. The main goal of the thesis is to further explore and evaluate the experimental results of the above-mentioned project to understand how to implement a Blockchain-based Digital Signature system that complies with current regulations in hospitals and what factors affect how users reacted to this new and digital approach to signing consent forms.

    Two main conclusions are drawn from the discussion as follows.
    1. If both parties give their consent, medical institutions can use Blockchain-based Digital Signature as a way to sign digital consent forms. On top of that, medical institutions have to ensure the content of the information can be presented in its integrity and remain accessible for subsequent reference.
    2. The promoting attitude of hospital staff and the usability of the App and the security of personal data are the main factors to influence the intention of users to adopt Blockchain-based Digital Signature. Simultaneously, in order to have a better promotion outcome, medical institutions need to dedicate more effort to popularize the benefits of using Blockchain-based Digital Signature and offer enough support for users.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106261019
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001075
    Appears in Collections:[國家發展研究所] 學位論文

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