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    Title: 有話好說!一個建設性批評的調節式中介模式檢驗
    Advise without harshness! Testing a Moderated Mediation Model of Constructive Criticism.
    Authors: 江俊佑
    Chiang, Chun-Yu
    Contributors: 郭建志
    Chiang, Chun-Yu
    Keywords: 心理安全感
    constructive criticism
    psychological safety
    voice behavior
    learning goal orientation
    social cognitive theory
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 17:57:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 批評,又稱為負向回饋,隱含著對個人的否定,因此大多數的人都不喜歡受到批評,然而為了讓對方了解問題並能夠促進改變,批評在職場中依舊具有重大的必要性。為了使批評能夠達成預期的良好效果,如何進行批評將會對結果產生重大影響。過去研究顯示當批評是以具有建設性的方式進行時,更可能對員工有正面助益,說明批評特徵的重要性。本研究聚焦於建設性批評的程度高低,並以社會認知理論為基礎,說明環境、個人與行為三者間的影響機制,探討建設性批評對於心理安全感與建言行為的影響。此外,本研究將學習目標導向作為調節變項,並提出學習目標導向的調節式中介模型,試圖驗證不同學習目標導向的個體會有怎麼樣的差異。本研究透過時間間隔法方式,使用問卷調查法,進行兩階段網路問卷的施測,並以台灣企業總工作年資年滿半年且具有主管的全職員工作為研究樣本。第一階段共募集814份樣本,第二階段回收550份有效樣本,有效回收率約為68%。研究結果顯示建設性批評能夠提升員工的心理安全感,且心理安全感能夠在建設性批評與建言行為之間產生中介效果,然而學習目標導向並無顯著的調節效果,而調節式中介模式亦不成立。最後,本研究針對結果進行討論,並進一步說明研究貢獻、研究限制與未來研究方向。
    Criticism, also known as negative feedback, isn’t favored by most people, because of its implication of being denied. However, to make sure employees realize and improve their problems, criticisms are still indispensable in the workplace. To maximize the positive effect of criticisms, in which manner people criticize will be the key factor. Previous researches indicated that if people criticized others in a constructive manner, the impact on recipients would be more beneficial, which manifested the value of the characteristics of criticisms. The focal point of this study is to examine the consequence of constructive criticism. Based on social cognitive theory, this study discusses the mechanism of environment, personal factor and behavior in greater detail, and then explores the effect of constructive criticism on psychological safety and voice behavior. Furthermore, learning goal orientation is utilized as a moderator in this study. The moderated mediation model is proposed to inspect the individual difference of learning goal orientation. This study was conducted by online survey with two sessions of data collection, which recruited 550 questionnaires from employees in Taiwan. The results indicate that constructive criticism from supervisors can promote employees’ psychological safety, psychological safety also mediates the relationship between constructive criticism and voice behavior. Nonetheless, the result doesn’t support the moderating role of learning goal orientation and the moderator mediated model. Finally, theoretical contributions, practical implications, limitation and future directions are discussed at the end of this study.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107752010
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001089
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