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Title: | 上網時數、上網目的、社會資本與網路成癮:生命歷程觀點的初探 Internet use, purposes of Internet use, social capital and Internet addiction: An exploratory research through the lens of life course |
Authors: | 張彥彬 Chang, Yan-Bin |
Contributors: | 許文耀 Hsu, Wen-Yao 張彥彬 Chang, Yan-Bin |
Keywords: | 社會資本 上網時數 上網目的 網路成癮 生命歷程 social capital Internet use purposes of Internet use Internet addiction life course |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-08-03 17:56:08 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著網路蓬勃發展,上網的負面後果成為學界關注的其中一個主題。上網的負面後果在有時被稱為網路成癮,描述的是上網後對網路出現依賴、佔據時間、影響生活與情緒等問題。有學者嘗試從社會資本的角度解釋網路成癮。本研究從Lin (2001)的社會資本推論,社會資本提供個人達成目標、因應問題的社會資源及情緒支持,應與反映負面心理健康狀態的網路成癮有負相關。然而過去研究結果並不一致。本研究認為在網路與生活緊密結合的現代,應同時考慮上網時數的作用,但過去結果也是不一致。本研究認為,造成此不一致的問題有二:未考慮上網目的及不同年齡層的差異。因此,本研究取用台灣社會變遷基本調查第七期第五次收取之1554位上網者進行次級資料分析,檢驗社會資本、上網時數、上網目的、網路成癮間的關係,以及不同年齡樣本下關係的變化。社會資本與上網時數方面,階層迴歸分析發現社會資本與上網時數無關,上網目的與年齡不具有調節效果。社會資本與網路成癮方面,階層迴歸分析發現社會資本與年齡有交互作用。若屬於40-49歲的年齡層,社會資本與網路成癮有顯著正相關;若不屬於40-49歲年齡層,社會資本與網路成癮則無顯著相關。由此可知,探討社會資本與網路成癮的關係時,需要同時考慮個體處於生命歷程中的何種階段。 With the Internet blooming, the negative consequences of Internet use became an important topic in academic circles. The negative consequences of Internet use were sometimes called Internet addiction, which illustrated dependence, occupying time, having negative impacts on daily lives and emotions. Some scholars explained Internet addiction through the lens of social capital. Based on Lin’s perspective (2001), social capital provides social resources and emotional support to attain goals and/or coping problems. It is supposed to negatively correlate with Internet addiction, which reflects negative psychological states. Nevertheless, previous studies showed inconsistency. In modern society, daily lives and the Internet are strongly connected, thus Internet use should be taken into account. While previous studies were inconsistent. Such inconsistency may be explained by two reasons: the purpose of Internet use and ages. Therefore, this study utilized data including 1554 participants with Internet use experiences from Taiwan Social Change Survey (7th Round, 5th Year) to investigate different relationship among social capital, Internet use, purposes of Internet and Internet addiction at different ages. The hierarchical regression analyses indicate social capital is not correlated to Internet use. The purposes of Internet use do not moderate the relation between social capital and Internet use. Such relationship does not vary among age groups. When it comes to Internet addiction, social capital is moderated by an age group, age 40-49 specifically. Under age 40-49, social capital is positively correlated to Internet addiction, whereas social capital is not significantly correlated to Internet addiction when it is not under age 40-49. Therefore, it is clear that life course should be taken into account when exploring the relation between social capital and Internet addiction. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 心理學系 105752022 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105752022 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000999 |
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