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Title: | 發展「合作共筆視覺化互動網絡分析系統」促進線上合作編輯成效 Developing a Collaborative Writing System with Visualization Interaction Network Analysis to Facilitate Online Collaborative Writing Performance |
Authors: | 廖振凱 Liao, Cheng-Kai |
Contributors: | 陳志銘 Chen, Chih-Ming 廖振凱 Liao, Cheng-Kai |
Keywords: | 電腦輔助合作共筆 團體意識 搭便車現象 社會網絡分析 資料 視覺化 電腦中介溝通能力 科技接受度 Computer supported collaborative writing Group awareness Free riders Social network analysis Data visualization Computer-mediated communication Technology acceptance |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-08-03 17:49:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,電腦輔助合作共筆(Computer Supported Collaborative Writing, CSCW)因其具有應用在教學上提升合作學習效益的潛力,因此受到越來越多教育研究者的關注。而透過電腦中介來進行合作學習,時常因為缺乏社會臨場感,而造成學習者無法建構團體意識資訊,進而導致參與率下降,甚至出現搭便車與吸允者現象等。因此,本研究設計「合作共筆視覺化互動網絡分析系統(Collaborative Writing System with Visualization Interaction Network Analysis, CWS-VINA)」輔以合作共筆,希望透過社會網絡圖呈現學習者的貢獻度及互動情形,輔助合作共筆小組成員建構團體意識資訊,進而促進學習者的合作共筆參與行為、降低參與不均現象,進而提升合作共筆學習表現。 本研究採用準實驗研究法,隨機選取台北市某國中二年級 50 位學生作為研究對象,進行即時合作共筆寫作。其中一班 26 名學生被分派為採用 CWS-VINA輔助合作共筆的實驗組,另一班 24 名學生則被分派為採用不具合作共筆分析圖(Collaborative Writing System without Visualization Interaction Network Analysis, CWS-NVINA)的控制組,以探討兩組學習者在學習表現與科技接受度上是否具有顯著差異。此外,也以先備知識、電腦中介溝通 (Computer-Mediated Communication, CMC)能力為背景變項,探討不同背景變項之兩組學習者,在分別採用 CWS-VINA 與 CWS-NVINA 輔助合作共筆的學習表現以及科技接受度是否具有顯著的差異。此外,也透過訪談資料探討兩組學習者的參與行為模式。 研究結果發現,採用 CWS-VINA 輔助合作共筆的整體學習者、高低不同先備知識學習者、高低不同 CMC 能力實驗組學習者的學習表現皆顯著優於採用CWS-NVINA 的控制組。在科技接受度上,整體實驗組學習者與低 CMC 能力實驗組學習者在整體科技接受度與認知有用性顯著優於採用 CWS-NVINA 的控制組學習者,但是在認知易用性上則沒有達到統計上的顯著差異。此外,從訪談資料分析結果來看,採用 CWS-VINA 輔以合作共筆能夠有效幫助學習者建構團體意識資訊,促進組內成員的溝通協調、激勵組內成員增進貢獻度,也會降低參與不均的現象。 最後基於研究結果,本研究提出應用 CWS-VINA 於教學場域之教學建議、系統改善建議,以及未來可以繼續進一步探討的研究方向。整體而言,本研究將電腦輔助合作共筆、社會網絡與資料視覺化等技術進行結合,發展 CWS-VINA團體意識工具,提供一個科技輔助線上合作共筆之創新有效學習工具,對於促進電腦輔助合作共筆具有貢獻。 In recent years, Computer Supported Collaborative Writing (CSCW) has attracted more and more attention from education researchers because of its potential to improve the effectiveness of collaborative learning in teaching. Cooperative learning through computer intermediaries often lacks a sense of social presence, which prevents learners from constructing group awareness, which in turn leads to a decline in participation rates, and even free riders and suckers effects. Therefore, this research designed "Collaborative Writing System with Visualization Interaction Network Analysis (CWS-VINA)" to supplement collaborative writing, hoping to visualization learners` contribution and interaction through social network diagrams. Assist group members to construct group awareness, thereby promoting the learners’ collaborative writing participation behavior, reducing uneven participation, and improving the cooperative writing learning performance.
With a quasi-experimental research method, 50 G8 students from a middle school in Taipei City were randomly selected as the research objects for real-time collaborative writing experiment. Among them, 26 students in one class were assigned to the experimental group using CWS-VINA assisting collaborative writing, and 24 students in the other class were assigned to the control group using "Collaborative Writing System without Visualization Interaction Network Analysis (CWS-NVINA)". In order to explore whether the two groups of learners have significant differences in learning performance, participation behavior and technology acceptance, as well as learners with different prior knowledge and Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) capabilities as background variables. In addition, the interview data was used to explore the participation behavior patterns of the two groups of learners.
Research results show that overall learners, learners with different levels of prior knowledge and learners with different levels of CMC capabilities in the experimental group using CWS-VINA had significantly better learning performance than the control group using CWS-NVINA. Overall learners and learners with low CMC capabilities in the experimental group are significantly better than control group in terms of overall technology acceptance and perceived usefulness, but not in perceived ease-of-use. In addition, from the analysis results of the interview data, the use of CWS-VINA can effectively help learners construct group awareness, promote communication and coordination among group members, encourage group members to increase their contribution, and reduce uneven participation.
Based on the research results, this research proposes teaching suggestions for applying CWS-VINA in the teaching field, suggestions for system improvement, and future research directions. On the whole, this research combines computer-assisted collaborative writing, social networking, and data visualization to develop CWS-VINA group awareness tools and provide an innovative and effective learning tool for technology-assisted online collaborative writing. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 圖書資訊與檔案學研究所 106155017 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106155017 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001081 |
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