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Title: | 藝術IP授權市場產品差異化策略之研究,以IP授權商品為例 Differentiation Strategy of the Art Intellectual Property Licensing Market - example of Intellectual Property Authorized Products |
Authors: | 黃嘉菱 Huang, Chia-Ling |
Contributors: | 宋皇志 黃嘉菱 Huang, Chia-Ling |
Keywords: | 藝術授權 IP授權 藝術文創 文創衍生品 IP Licensing Authorization Cultural creativity Cultural peripheral products |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-08-03 17:44:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 藝術無遠弗屆,人類在滿足物質慾望後進入追求精神層面,藝術可屏除語言隔閡,透過五感產生共鳴與互動,市場不侷限於單一區域,透過數位科技,不需親臨現場就能觀賞到藝術品,這般魔力締造全新的市場需求。
早期藝術創作與鑑賞掌握於皇室及少數權冑手中,拜科技及智慧財 產權發展,藝術品不再是少數人的禁臠,藝術IP授權衍生產品如雨後春 筍般湧出,博物館、民間藝術機構、個人工作室、藝術家紛紛投入這碩大的商機森林,無論使用本身既有的典藏品轉化抑或是自行創作, 藝術沒有制式答案,主觀喜愛的特質讓新藍海成為眾人無垠的宇宙空間。
本研究著重探討藝術IP授權市場產品的差異化,研究試圖就:1.藝 術IP授權產品分類與概況。2.藝術IP授權產品與自創IP授權商品的關 聯性。3.IP授權商品的商業模式與未來發展,進行實例探討。
研究發現,優秀的IP管理者具備文化性、同理心、觀察、洞見及創 意的特質,了解智財權的優勢,懂得規避侵權及自保,加上策略結盟與 異業合作,讓智財權在市場上持續孵化,將無形資產化為有形商業價 值,讓自己不易被取代,這些創新團隊以動態競爭、法律、財務、行政 管理等,達到產品差異化,創造公司經濟效益。 Art has no borders. After we are satisfied with our material desires, we look into our spiritual needs. Art doesn’t have language barriers; art can be communicated through people’s five senses. The Art Market is not limited by one product or one territory. Through globalization, art that used to be appreciated in person now has a brand new market demand because of the magic of Intellectual Property (IP) licensing.
In the early days, only royals and some small but powerful groups of people had the privilege of making or appreciating art. Because of technology advancing and the concept of intellectual property, art is not limited to a small portion of people. More and more products produced by IP licensing are appearing in national museums, art museums, art institutions, and individual studios. More and more artists jumped into this new market with either their own existing collections or new creations. There’s no set rules or boundaries, objective preferences make this new market open and wide.
This study focuses on differentiation strategy of the Art IP Licensing Market which includes: 1. Art IP Licensing product categorization and current conditions. 2. The relationship between Art IP Licensing products and self-made IP authorized products. 3. The future of Art IP Licensing products and IP authorized products.
As per the findings from the previous researches, the excellent IP managers possesses some characteristics, including sense of culture, sympathy, observational capability, deep insights and creativities. They know the advantages of IP rights, how to avoid the legal infringements and well secure themselves in addition to the strategic and cross-industry alliance to make the IP rights to be mature on the market continuously. Therefore, they can transform the virtual property into the substantial commercial value so they will make themselves to be irreplaceable. These innovative team may create the substantial benefits for the companies through the product differentiations by leverage of the energies of dynamic competitiveness, legal, financial and administrative management. |
Reference: | 英文部份
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 107932090 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107932090 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001115 |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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