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    Title: 應用任務服務適配理論探討銀行行動服務之持續使用
    Investigating the Impact of Task-Service-Fit in The Bank Mobile Service
    Authors: 張益菕
    Chang, Yi-Lun
    Contributors: 張欣綠
    Chang, Hsin-Lu
    Chang, Yi-Lun
    Keywords: 行動銀行
    Bank mobile service
    Service content quality
    Service delivery quality
    Task conditions
    User satisfaction
    Service experience
    Continuance intention
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 17:35:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著科技的進步,消費者可以透過智慧型手機完成日常任務。因此,越來越多的銀行已經開發了向其客戶提供行動銀行服務的APP。在這項研究中,我們有興趣調查影響用戶繼續使用行動銀行APP的意願的因素。與傳統的任務技術契合度研究不同,本研究採用服務主導邏輯,並在行動銀行APP的架構中定義了任務-服務契合度的概念,然後提出行動銀行服務質量在某些任務條件下會影響用戶的持續意圖。為了區分任務條件,我們使用任務的複雜性和直觀性作為調節變項,這將調節用戶感知的服務體驗,服務質量和滿意度的有效性。因此,我們的研究可以為銀行設計移動服務任務,推廣更便捷的服務,提高用戶的持續使用意願和使用頻率提供建議。
    Currently, consumers can use their mobile phones to complete their daily tasks. Thus, a growing number of banks have developed mobile applications (apps) that offer digital banking services to their customers. In this research, we are interested in investigating the factors that influence users’ willingness to continue using mobile apps. Different from the traditional research of task-technology fit, our study adopts service-dominant logic and defines the concept of task-service fit in the context of banking apps and then proposes that mobile banking service quality influences users’ continuous intentions in certain task conditions. To distinguish the task conditions, we use task complexity and intuitiveness as the moderator, which would moderate the effectiveness of users’ perceived service experience, service quality, and satisfaction. Therefore, our research can provide suggestions to help banks design their mobile service tasks, promote more convenient services, and enhance their users’ continuance intention and use frequency.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107356007
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000932
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