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    政大典藏 > College of Commerce > Department of MIS > Theses >  Item 140.119/130973
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    Title: 行動應用程式介面設計與使用性評估應用在潛水旅遊之研究
    A Research on the User Interface Design and Usability Evaluation for Diving Tourism Apps
    Authors: 林宗甫
    Lin, Tsung-Fu
    Contributors: 裘錦天

    Chyou, Jiin-Tian
    Wang, Chia-Nan

    Lin, Tsung-Fu
    Keywords: 沉浸理論
    Flow Experience
    Diving Risks
    Modified Delphi Method
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 17:34:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 全球潛水旅遊產業蓬勃發展,已逐漸成為驅動各國經濟發展的重要支柱,特別是開發中的國家,儼然成為主要的經濟收入來源之一;為此,本研究希望以智慧型手機為媒介,透過沉浸理論(Flow Experience)、潛水風險(Diving Risks)及優使性(Usability)來建構適用於潛水旅遊的行動應用程式(Apps),期盼能藉由改善潛客在潛水旅遊期間,因地理位置、環境條件、天氣現況及安全等問題所產生的不便;更進一步提供未來潛水業者、潛水教練及潛客等,設計服務及產品的參考依據;研究方法結合沉浸理論的概念,透過文獻的蒐集,尋找關聯性較強的準則後,利用修正式德菲法(Modified Delphi Method, MDM),整理出15項指標,再以應用決策實驗室分析法(Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL)的專家問卷,來凝聚產官學三方不同的專家意見後,試圖找出各構面間的相互依賴性與回饋性,並針對其關聯性來做討論;研究結果將沉浸功能、潛水風險及優使性做關聯性探討;在構面方面顯示,優使性的構面對於沉浸功能、潛水風險,都有顯著的影響,將三大構面內的指標進行排序後,其總影響關係矩陣結果顯示「潛水社群討論區」、「潛店、潛點評價」及「保險規劃」為中心度與原因度最高的3項核心指標;綜合上述,本研究計算出經篩選後15項指標的影響、被影響及相互影響的關係,試圖透過指標的連結,期望提供未來學界與實務界可經由改善關聯性較強的指標來強化開發潛水旅遊行動應用程式的決策與選擇。
    The global booming of the diving tourism industry has gradually become an important pillar driving the economic development of various countries, especially developing countries. The industry has become one of the main sources of economic income. Hence, this study hopes to use smart phones as a medium through Flow Experience, Diving Risks and Usability to build mobile applications suitable for diving tourism industry. The prospection of the application is to assist drivers to improve the inconvenience caused by weather conditions, safety concerns, geographical location, and environmental conditions during diving. Furthermore, the application could also provide good reference for diving industry, coach and even divers to better design services and products. The research methods adopted the concept of Flow Experience through literature collection to find strong relevant criteria. The Modified Delphi Method, MDM was used to sort out 15 indicators and then use the expert questionnaire of the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory analysis method (DEMATEL) to integrate the different opinions from industry, government and academia sectors. The study is to find out the interdependence and feedback among various facets. to explore the relevance. The research results will discuss the relevance of Flow Experience, Diving Risk and Usability. Usability has a significant impact to the Flow Experience and Diving Risk. Sorting the indicators from three major aspects, the total impact matrix show "Diving Community Discussion Forum", "Diving Shop and Reviews" and “Insurance Planning” are the three core indicators with the highest degree of centrality and cause. As above, this research simulated the relevance matrix of influence, affected and mutual influence among fifteen indicators. Throughout the finding of the relevance between indicators, it’s expected to provide the future academic and diving industry to facilitate decision making of diving mobile apps development.
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001034
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