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    Title: 沙漠中開出一朵花: 我們如何在苗栗辦理第一屆性平遊行
    How We Organize The First LGBT March in Miaoli
    Authors: 鄒宗翰
    Tsou, Tzung-Han
    Contributors: 劉慧雯
    Liu, Hui-Wen
    Tsou, Tzung-Han
    Keywords: 苗栗
    Same-sex marriage
    social movement
    qualitative research
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 17:19:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 由苗栗青年舉辦的第一屆性平遊行除了呼應傳統的社會運動理論,也符合台灣脈絡下社會運動政治化的運作模式。苗栗這場遊行承襲著同志運動一路以來,翻轉污名到爭取平權的歷程,跟著進入同性婚姻合法的新紀元。以「婚姻平權」為名的運動,透過由上而下的政治遊說和法律制定帶來亞洲第一的成果。這個同時,同志運動也逐漸進入下一個階段:運動在地化。本論文從這個議題切入,記錄一群苗栗青年在故鄉舉辦這個遊行的過程。這些年輕人在曾經讓自己無奈又失望的家園,與觀點不同的上一輩溝通對話,並嘗試找到新的出路。透過研究者本身的參與觀察還有深入訪談,本文發現參與者的生命故事與性別議題緊緊貼合。在個人發展和社會變遷需要的同時,苗栗遊行的出現正好讓這群青年有了塑造認同感的平台。過去被視為「又老又藍」的苗栗也因此出現了改變的契機。
    The first LGBT march organized by the Miaoli youth not only echoed the traditional theories of social movements, but also conformed to the politicized mode of operation of social movements in the context of Taiwan. The march in Miaoli inherited the history of the gay and lesbian movement from overturning stigma to fighting for equal rights, entering the new era of same-sex marriage. Under the name of "marriage equality", the movement brought about the best results in Asia through top-down political lobbying and law making. At the same time, the gay and lesbian movement has also gradually entered the next stage: the localization of the movement. This essay takes this issue as a starting point, documenting the process by which a group of young people from Miaoli organized a march in our hometown. In Miaoli, where young people had once felt helpless and disappointed, we engaged in dialogue with senior citizens who had different perspectives, and tried to find a new way out. Through the researcher`s own participatory observations and in-depth interviews, this paper finds that the life stories of the participants are closely related to gender issues. In the midst of personal development and social changes, the Miaoli rally provided a platform for these young people to shape their sense of identity. In the past, Miaoli was regarded as "old and blue," and the opportunity for change has emerged.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103941001
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001154
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