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Title: | 以組織關鍵活動觀點探討企業網站類型與分析 The Perspective of Organizational Critical Activity:The Classification and Analysis of Websites |
Authors: | 龔妤蓉 Kung, Yu-Jung |
Contributors: | 洪為璽 Hung, Wei-Hsi 龔妤蓉 Kung, Yu-Jung |
Keywords: | 企業網站 組織關鍵活動 網站評估 空間資訊 Organizational Critical Activity Website Evaluation Website Strategy Spatial Information |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-07-01 14:03:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著網際網路的普及,企業也普遍開始透過企業網站來提供資訊,做為與使用者溝通的平台,讓使用者能夠透過瀏覽網站內容來了解企業。組織關鍵活動(Organization Critical Activities,OCAs)於2006年由Hung提出,其定義為「組織裡至關重要的優先事項,幫助組織達成短、中、長期成功,必須不斷執行,使組織實現其預定成功的活動」。企業網站的設立,連結起企業網站和組織關鍵活動,而企業間不同的組織關鍵活動,也反映出產業現今的狀態與未來的發展方向。 本研究採用Hung(2006)所提出的組織關鍵活動網站支持評估分析法作為分析方法與架構,探討分析國內25家空間資訊企業網站,依照組織關鍵活動的觀點,將產業中的企業予以分類並分析企業策略。研究結果歸納出最重視的四項組織關鍵活動分別為:開發新產品、開發系統服務、發展測繪技術、代理國外產品。 本研究再以創新性和技術性兩大構面,搭配Miles and Snow(1978)觀點,設計出一個2x2的分類模型,將企業分為四種類型,並分析企業間不同的企業策略,以期望能對國內的空間資訊產業提供參考。 Organizations usually use websites as a platform to communicate with their users. Organizations nowadays are not just to survive and gain a competitive advantage, but to perform some important activities in order to achieve its intended success. Organizational critical activities (OCAs) are activities which must receive constant management attention in order for that organization to be successful in its industry (Hung,2006). However, some studies have shown that not all of these activities are well supported by organizations’ websites. The research method was to adopt the OCAs web support evaluation method(OCAWSEM) by Hung (2006) to explore what kinds of organizational critical activities are supported by geographic information systems (GIS) companies’ websites and classify the strategies of the website. The selected 25 GIS companies demonstrated that the top four organizational critical activities shown on the websites were: develop new products, system integration services, develop surveying technology, and exclusive/sole agency. Then, based on the two major aspects of ‘innovation’ and ‘technology’ with the view of Miles and Snow (1978), a 2x2 classification model was designed, which divided 25 companies into four types. The results are expected to provide a suggestion for GIS companies to develop website strategies and hope to help website designers understand whether the organizational critical activities supported by their websites. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 107363039 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107363039 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000605 |
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