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    题名: 語言發展遲緩兒童家庭親子關係、親職壓力之研究-以某醫學中心親子共讀團體為例
    A research of parent-child relationships and parenting stress in speech delay family-Example from the parent-child reading group in a medical center
    作者: 陳亭涵
    Chen, Ting-Han
    贡献者: 謝美娥
    Hsieh, Mei-O
    Chen, Ting-Han
    关键词: 語言遲緩
    Speech delay
    Parent-child relationship
    Parenting stress
    Parent-child reading
    日期: 2020
    上传时间: 2020-07-01 13:56:04 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究目的係為談討語言遲緩兒童親子參與親子共讀團體後,在親子關係、親職壓力以及共讀態度的變化,本研究以量化為主、質性為輔的方法。量化研究以前-後測之共讀問卷、親子關係及親職壓力問卷來了解語言發展遲緩兒童家庭在分數上的變化,分別以描述性統計、成對樣本T檢定、獨立樣本T檢定、ANOVA單因子變異數分析、Pearson相關進行資料處理與分析;質化部分以深度訪談來了解進行共讀後的改變。量化及質化的受試者皆以立意抽樣取得,分別為39位及3位。主要研究結果如下:
    The research discusses changes of families with speech delayed child in parent-child relationship, parenting stress, and reading attitude after they joined the parent-child reading group. In the aspect of quantitative research, questionnaires concerning pre- and post-test reading attitude, parent-child relationship, and parenting stress are designed to know changes in families with speech delayed child through variations in scores, analyzed and processed in descriptive statistics, paired sample t tests, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient. Combined with qualitative research, in-depth interviews are done to know changes in families with speech delayed child after joining the reading group. 39 respondents (quantitative research) and 3 respondents (qualitative research) were selected from judgment sampling. The main results are as follows:
    After joining the parent-child reading group for 3 months, the reading attitude, feeling of reading, reading motivation and habit, reading difficulties and respond, the parent-child relationship, parent-child interaction and discipline attitude are all significantly improved. The change in reading attitude is greatly affected by parents’ educational level, income, and the age at which the child starts joining a reading group. The change in parent-child relationship is greatly affected by parents’ income, age, and the amount of books read in a month. The change in parenting stress is greatly affected by parents’ income, the child’s age, the age at which the child starts joining a reading group, the amount of books read in a month, and the length of time spent reading every day. There is a positive correlation between the reading attitude and the parent-child relationship, a negative correlation between the reading attitude and the parenting stress, and a negative correlation between the parent-child relationship and the parenting stress. In the qualitative research, results show that the reason why the 3 respondents decided to do parent-child reading is that they can progress in speech development. Although encountering obstacles during their reading time, they are always willing to wait and never give up; eventually, they have their own time for reading, improve their parent-child relationship, and ease the parenting stress. As for the performance of the families with speech delayed child, suggestions concerning the medical system and future research are made for future practical works, policy stipulation, and research.
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    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106264012
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000638
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