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    Title: 不同小睡時長對於注意力的影響及其神經生理機轉之探討
    The Influence of Napping Duration on Attentional Functions and Associated Neurophysiological Mechanism
    Authors: 邱上誠
    Chiu, Shang-Cheng
    Contributors: 楊建銘
    Yang, Chien-Ming
    Chiu, Shang-Cheng
    Keywords: 白日小睡時長
    Nap duration
    Attentional functions
    EEG power spectrum analysis
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-07-01 13:49:39 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 當今人們普遍睡眠不足,可能會藉由白日小睡來提振精神、恢復專注。學者們曾透過各種實驗派典,使用多種量測工具,證實白日小睡後能提升注意力功能及表現,並試圖從中找出最佳小睡時長。然而不同小睡時長對於注意力的影響存在不一致結果,過往研究亦鮮少使用神經生理測量指標(如磁振造影技術)來評估注意力功能改變時的腦部活動,對於小睡前後的大腦活動變化及其生理機轉仍尚待釐清。因此本研究試圖更進一步探討白日小睡對於注意力的影響,結合主觀嗜睡量表評估、客觀注意力作業表現及神經生理活動指標來評估小睡前後的注意力功能,同時比較不同小睡時長於各項量測指標之間的差異,並將其效果對應到相關的腦部活動變化。本研究共招募33位年輕健康之參與者(16位男性與17位女性),在實驗室情境下進行50分鐘的小睡(12點30分開始),並於小睡前後進行多項量測,包含主觀嗜睡量表、注意力作業、腦波功率量測及磁振造影掃描等等;同時依據實際睡著的時間將參與者分為短小睡(小於20分鐘)、中小睡(20至30分鐘)及長小睡組(大於30分鐘)進行組間比較。結果顯示白日小睡後整體主觀嗜睡程度提升,數字史楚普作業反應時間下降,δ波活動功率下降,β波活動功率提升。而小睡之後於執行注意力作業的過程中,預設模式網絡(default mode network, DMN)相關腦區活化下降,背側注意網絡(dorsal attention network, DAN)相關腦區活化提升。不同時長小睡組於各項注意力量測結果亦明顯不同,長小睡組於生理量測指標的活動變化最顯著,在主客觀的量測指標上受到睡眠遲惰的影響也高於其他兩組。在指標間的相關性分析上,僅發現主觀嗜睡程度與腦波功率活動之間存在部分相關,其中以中小睡組的相關性最明顯。整體來說,白日小睡後對於注意力功能及表現在各個指標上有不同程度的影響力,其效果會跟睡眠遲惰及小睡時間長短形成交互影響。關於小睡後注意力功能及表現提升的神經生理機轉,可能受到生理恆定系統的調節作用,推測與DMN及DAN的腦區活動變化有關,可作為未來研究的參照基礎。
    People tend to self-deprive their sleep in modern society and compensate for sleep loss by daytime napping. Previous studies showed that napping could improve various cognitive functions, especially attention. Sleep scholars were eager to know the ideal length of nap. However, the relation between nap duration and attention improvement is controversial, and the associated neurophysiological mechanism remains unknown. The purposes of this study are to compare the influence of napping duration on attentional functions and to explore the associated neurophysiological mechanisms by subjective sleepiness scale, attentional tasks, EEG, and fMRI. Thirty-three young and healthy participants (16 males) were recruited. They were instructed to take a daytime nap within a 50-minute duration at around 12:30 p.m… They were divided into three groups according to their actual sleeping time (short-nap: less than 20 minutes; moderate-nap: 20-30 minutes; long-nap: more than 30 minutes). Multiple measures were carried out before and after the nap. Increased subjective sleepiness, declined reaction time of the Numerical Stroop Task, declined power of δ wave, and increased power of β wave were obtained after the nap. Declined activation of DMN (default mode network)-associated areas and increased activation of DAN (dorsal attention network)-associated areas were also revealed after napping. The neurophysiological changes associated with sleep inertia was induced mainly by a long-perioded nap, while the correlation between subjective sleepiness and EEG power was founded only in the moderate-nap group. Conclusively, different nap duration produces different effects on attentional functions; the neurophysiological mechanisms of napping may be regulated by a decrease in homeostatic drive, and activation of the DMN and the DAN.
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