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    Title: 中國大陸與台灣「新聞學」博碩士論文之資訊計量研究
    Informetric Analysis of Doctoral Dissertation and Master`s Theses on Journalism in Mainland China and Taiwan
    Authors: 闕潤贇
    Que, Run-Yun
    Contributors: 蔡明月
    Tsay, Ming-Yueh
    Que, Run-Yun
    Keywords: 新聞學
    Doctoral Dissertation and Master`s Theses
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-07-01 13:48:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 新聞與我們的生活息息相關,日常的生活也離不開新聞傳播媒介。兩岸新 聞事業蓬勃的發展證明了新聞學領域的潛力和重要性。再者,因中國大陸和臺 灣之新聞學研究和教育同根同源,卻因政治、經濟、文化等差異發展得的各具 特色,所以對兩岸新聞學研究進行對比具有現實和歷史意義。又因資訊計量學 可以有系統的分析特定學科範圍的學術文獻,了解其歷史軌跡與現況,預測發 展趨勢。博碩士論文又是學術傳播的重要途徑。故本研究針對「CNKI 中國優 秀博碩士學位論文全文數據庫」和「臺灣碩博士論文知識加值系統」兩個資料 庫,利用資訊計量方法分析中國大陸與台灣新聞學博碩士論文,以綜觀兩岸新 聞學博碩士論文的特性和研究趨勢。
    本研究結果顯示:(1)中國大陸新聞學博碩士論文文獻成長呈線性模式; 台灣則呈微型指數模式;(2)中國大陸與台灣新聞學博碩士論文皆以單一指導 老師為主;(3)中國大陸高生產力與高影響力機構以重點大學居多,台灣以國 立大學居多;(4)中國大陸與台灣新聞學高生產力與高影響力機構皆存在地理 位置分佈不均的問題,中國大陸集中在中東部地區,台灣集中在北部地區; (5)中國大陸與台灣高生產力指導老師研究的熱門主題為新聞評析和新媒體研 究;(6)中國大陸與台灣新聞學博碩士論文主題皆以新聞評析為主。本研究亦 針對資料庫、資料處理工具以及對未來相關領域研究提出建議。
    News is closely related to our lives, and our daily life is also inseparable from the news media. The vigorous development of cross-strait journalism has proved the potential and the importance of journalism. Because the journalistic research and education in mainland China and Taiwan have the same root, and each has its own characteristics due to the differences in politics, economy and culture, so it is of realistic and historical significance to compare the journalistic research between the two sides. In addition, consulting metrology can systematically analyze the academic literature of a specific subject range, understand its historical track and current situation, and predict its development trend. Doctoral dissertation and Master`s theses is an important way of academic communication. So research aims at the databases of "China National Knowledge Infrastructure" and "National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan", and analyzes the Doctoral dissertation and Master`s theses of journalism in mainland China and Taiwan by using the Informetric Analysis, so as to comprehensively view the characteristics and research trends of the doctoral dissertation and master`s theses of journalism between them.
    The results show:(1)The literature growth of Chinese mainland journalism doctoral dissertation and master`s theses presented a linear growth, while Taiwan is an exponential growth;(2)In both mainland China and Taiwan, the doctoral dissertation and master`s theses of journalism is dominated by a single guidance professor.(3)High productivity and high impact institutions in mainland China are mostly in key universities, and most of them are national universities in Taiwan. (4)Both mainland China and Taiwan ’s high-productivity and high-impact organizations in journalism have the problem of uneven geographical distribution. Mainland China is concentrated in the central and eastern regions, and Taiwan is
    concentrated in the northern regions;(5)The hot topics of high productivity Guidance Professor mainland China and Taiwan both are news content analysis and new media research.(6)News content analysis is the main theme of journalism doctoral dissertation and master`s thesis in mainland China and Taiwan.The suggestions for databases, data processing tools and future related researches were also made.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107155025
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000526
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