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    题名: 在應變角度下探討供應鏈韌性的建構
    作者: 程孝盈
    Cheng, Hsiao-Ying
    贡献者: 洪叔民
    Cheng, Hsiao-Ying
    关键词: 供應鏈營運韌性
    Supply chain operational resilience
    contingency strategy
    日期: 2020
    上传时间: 2020-07-01 13:30:02 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 由於要在全球市場經濟中生存,因此公司需要學習如何在不確定及高風險的環境中經營.建立有韌性的供應鏈對於公司發展是必不可少的,尤其是在最近幾十年的風險管理營運中供應鏈營運韌性是一個當前的主題. 通過對產業發達國家公司的經驗研究,我們基於結構化理論,及其衍生理論發展了一個衍生模型,以維護系統流程,希望進一步建立供應鏈的營運韌性.在這項研究中,我們提出了過程方法,並透過持續改進活動,根據結構理論對供應鏈營運韌性進行進一步的開發研究,並通過有ISO系統經驗的廠商來研究檢驗組織的營運韌性能力。 當企業實現全球化功能時,供應鏈存在衍生流程問題。因此企業如何處理供應鏈中斷的能力應該是屬於日常營運的部分流程。供應鏈的營運韌性是完整產品線向全球提供服務的能力和必要條件。有許多研究集中在供應鏈營運韌性主題上:系統文獻綜述,框架的批判性分析和綜合,定量方法,模型開發和經驗工作。 這個研究基本上認為公司對供應鏈破壞的抵禦能力是公司營運的一部分。 我們開發了結構化的供應鏈系統,以維持日常營運的適當能力,並避免供應鏈存在的風險,脆弱性和中斷。
    此研究認為技術支持系統,知識分享行為和供應鏈設計在具有彈性運作的組織供應鏈營運韌性之間產生交互作用,供應鏈績效雖然對供應鏈營運韌性具有負面顯著的調節作用。組織雙元性對於供應鏈韌性的正向顯著性相關。 供應鏈績效和在有組織流程靈活性設計對於組織雙元性及供應鏈營運韌性之間的關係上起著調節性效果。這意味著即使在績效壓力下,適度的組織雙性對供應鏈的營運韌性仍保持穩定狀態正面的影響。
    Building a resilient supply chain is a necessity for company development to survive in the global market economy. Supply chain operational resilience is a topic of discussion especially in the field of risk management operations in recent decades. Through empirical studies in industrially developed companies we developed a derivative model based on structuration theory and its derivative theory to maintain the system processes further to building up supply chain operational resilience capabilities.
    In this study we propose a process approach and continued improvement activities as further development research for supply chain operational resilience activities under Giddens’ structuration theory and undergoing ISO system empirical research to examine organization resilience capability development. Supply chain has derivative process issues when a business takes on a globalization function.
    In this research information technology support, knowledge sharing behaviors and supply chain design has an interaction between organizational ambidexterity to supply chain operational resilience. Supply chain performance plays a negative significant moderating role on the supplier’s supply chain operational resilience. also, supply chain performance and process flexibility play moderating roles on the relationship between organizational ambidexterity and the supplier’s supply chain operational resilience. The means that even under the performance pressure, the moderated mediation effect still steady state has positive effect on the supply chain operational resilience.
    參考文獻: Adobor, H. and McMullen, R.S. (2018), Supply chain resilience: a dynamic and multidimensional approach, International Journal of Logistics Management, 29(4), 1451-1471.
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    描述: 博士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104355504
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000626
    显示于类别:[企業管理學系] 學位論文


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