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    Title: 企業創新服務模組化之研究-以I公司為例
    Service modularity of enterprise innovative service - A case study of I Company
    Authors: 沈汶萱
    Shen, Wen-Hsuan
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Wu, Feng-Shang
    Shen, Wen-Hsuan
    Keywords: 服務模組化
    Service modularity
    Service module
    Modular service
    Modular process
    Modular organization
    Innovative service
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2020-06-02 11:14:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2018年,服務業占台灣該年度之GDP比重為63%,是目前台灣的第一大產業,也是推動經濟成長的主要動力,隨著科技發展快速,服務也必須不斷創新以跟上技術的浪潮,使得服務的類型逐漸多元複雜。在這樣的時空背景之下,為了因應複雜的服務系統,同時提升服務效率並完善客戶體驗,「服務模組化」被普遍認為是一種最有效的手段之一。雖然服務模組化的議題逐漸受到關注,且相關文獻也如雨後春筍般出現,但是,有關該領域的研究,應該仍是屬於探索的階段。
    到目前為止,學者們對於服務模組化的方法之論述,各有其不同的觀點,然而,他們所論及的核心步驟卻是大同小異,且有脈絡可以依循。本研究最後選擇Dörbecker 與 Böhmann (2015)所提之分析、模組設計及架構設計等三個步驟的模式,並加入後續有關服務模組的應用、執行以及管理等的議題進行實證研究。相較於過去的文獻大多單就技術面來探討模組化的過程,本研究藉由此研究缺口,加入了與「人」及「組織」相關的影響因素,以「服務模組之形成」、「服務模組之應用與執行」、「服務模組之管理」等三大構面為主軸,選擇一科技服務業中具代表性之公司,透過訪談關鍵人物的方式,來深入探討其創新服務模組化之流程與運作,本研究所得到的主要結論包括:

    In the year of 2018, service industry contributed 63% of Taiwan’s annual GDP, and is now the largest industry as well as the major force of the economic growth. With the advancement of technology, service must strive to innovate in order to keep up with this enormous tide. Service modularity is often considered an appropriate approach to cope with complex service systems, which improves service efficiency and client experience simultaneously. However, though the issue of service modularity is receiving increasing attention, the scholars are still in an exploring stage in this very domain, dedicating to reaching a consensus understanding on service modularity.
    In the past, many scholars proposed various methods of service modularity with their individual perspective and argument, but the core steps are quite similar. Therefore, this thesis would form a framework base on the process of service modularity proposed by Dörbecker and Böhmann in 2015, including analyze, module design and architecture design, and then additionally add in the facets of “application and execution”, and “management” in order to view the operation of service modularity of enterprise innovative service in a practical perspective. Compare to the previous literature, focusing on technical modularizing process, this thesis pay attention to the human and organizational factors, and obtain the following conclusion:
    1. The formation phase of enterprise service modularization will take customer needs as the starting point, analyze and disassemble the service from large to small into elements, and then form different-grained service modules and architecture according to elements and interdependencies from small to large.
    2. The application and implementation phase of enterprise service modularization will also be based on customer needs. First, horizontally select coarse-grained service modules from the service architecture, then vertically select fine-grained service modules, and finally adjust them to form a complete service.
    3. In the application and implementation phase of enterprise service modularization, the content of service modules has an input-output relationship. Also, the more human factors exist, the greater the variability of service modules, while the customer demand drives the formation of new service modularization.
    4. Service is sometimes difficult to normalize during enterprise service modularization, but the application of methods and tools will be emphasized to make the service more specific.
    Finally, based on the conclusions drawn from the research, recommendations are made for practical and follow-up studies.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106364113
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000431
    Appears in Collections:[科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文

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