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    題名: 以形式為中心之韓國諺語教學研究
    A Study of Focus-on-Form in Korean Proverbs Teaching
    作者: 裴英蘭
    Bae, Young-Ran
    貢獻者: 陳慶智
    Chen, Qing-Zhi
    Bae, Young-Ran
    關鍵詞: 韓國諺語
    Korean Proverbs
    Grammatical form
    Basic form
    Expression form
    Proverbs Teaching
    Proverb Quotation
    日期: 2020
    上傳時間: 2020-06-02 11:13:46 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究聚焦於韓國諺語之語法形式,旨在藉由分析語料,歸納諺語的語法形式,並運用於實際教學上,以期能結合理論與實務,增進諺語教學之效益。本研究的目標有二:一、透過辭典及新聞的語料觀察諺語的形式結構,將諺語的語法形式分為基本形式與表達形式;二、利用上述的諺語形式,設計以形式為中心之韓國諺語教學,並實施實驗教學,針對臺灣韓語教學中的諺語課程提出具體的建議。
    The present dissertation aims to identify the grammatical form in Korean proverb and its Application to teaching. The two objectives of the study are: 1) to identify the grammatical form of proverb in Korean dictionary and news and to classify the grammatical form of proverb as fundamentals and expression; 2) to design Course Korean proverb contents and carry out experimental teaching to provide the effectiveness and advice of the proverbs course in Korean teaching for Taiwan learners.
    In the present study, the grammatical form of Korean proverbs are identified from the corpus of the standard Korean dictionary and 16 general office of news. In the corpus of the dictionary, the procedures of analysis select the types of proverbs on the grammatical unit of Korean as basic and generalize the basic form of proverb. In the corpus of news, it investigates the forms of proverb used and compares them with the basic form of a proverb to classify the expression form of proverb. Based on the above classification, this study design and implement Focus on Form in Korean proverb teaching. From the perspective of Focus on Form teaching method, by the teaching process into three categories: attention, cognition and activation, this study designs the contents of education: The mass media is actually used in teaching proverbs, which are used in the teaching of proverbs, to present the citation of proverbs, and to train them to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills so that students can have channels to review and use proverbs correctly.
    As a result, in the study of classifying the grammatical form of proverbs, the basic form was classified into three forms: sentence, clause, and phrase. The expression form was classified into two forms: circular and variant. In the study of Korean proverbs centered on form, the educational effect was demonstrated after the educational experiment. The teaching of proverbs centered on grammar form had an effect on improving the ability to quote proverbs; The use of mass media in teaching had an effect of giving interest to learners and motivation to learn; The practice of quoting proverbs in four areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing had the effect of enhancing the ability of applied Korean language. The improvements through the implementation of teaching required the increase of the allocation of teaching time and the adjustment of the instructor`s speaking speed.
    It is hoped that the findings of the present dissertation on the grammatical form in Korean proverb teaching can elucidate the fundamental form of Korean proverbs and illustrate variational connections between the original form of proverb and someone is unequal to a genre-specific communicative needs. The grammatical form of proverb identified in the present study can be used to enrich existing language resources in Korean, and they may also serve as important references for Korean teachers and Korean studies.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106557009
    資料類型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000411
    顯示於類別:[韓國語文學系] 學位論文


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