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    Title: B型企業與非B型企業的商業模式比較及永續認證對企業之影響
    Business Model Comparison of B Corps and Non-B Corps and the Impact of Sustainable Certifications on Companies
    Authors: 江怡妮
    Chiang, Yi-Ni
    Contributors: 林月雲
    Lin, Yeh-Yun
    Chiang, Yi-Ni
    Keywords: 企業社會責任
    B 型企業
    Corporate Social Responsibility
    B Corps
    Sustainable Certifications
    Business Model Canvas
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-05-05 12:01:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: B 型企業是非營利組織 B 型實驗室所發起的國際型企業認證,目的是利用商業模式對社會及環境發揮正向影響。本研究認為其屬於一種永續認證,用於肯定廣泛的產品或服務之永續性。台灣是目前 B 型企業發展最為快速的國家之一,越來越多企業開始關注這種重視全方位永續價值的新型認證,但 B 型企業認證尚未被企業普遍熟知。因此,本研究欲探究 B 型企業與一般商業模式有何異同,以及 B 型企業等永續認證對企業的實際影響為何,是否有申請認證之必要性,以為其他企業之參考。
    本研究選定兩家 B 型企業與一家非 B 型企業進行深度訪談,並利用商業模式畫布圖做為比較架構,得出其商業模式構成要素之異同。研究結果歸納如下:
    (一) B 型企業與非 B 型企業的商業模式在顧客關係、通路、關鍵資源、關鍵活動、關鍵合作夥伴這五要素有共同點,建議企業著重以上內容發展商業模式。
    (二) B 型企業與非 B 型企業的主要差異在於, B 型企業關注發展的面向廣泛,非 B 型企業比較注重經濟價值。建議企業可填寫 B 型企業認證之BIA商業影響力問卷,以完整構面審視其營運之優缺點,將有機會自行提升經營效益。
    (三) B 型企業認證等永續認證對企業多具正向影響,主要體現在營運管理、人才發展與行銷溝通方面,且申請過程未必會造成公司負擔,建議企業申請永續認證。
    (四) B 型企業認證其公允性與可信度尚不如其他國際性的永續認證獲得普遍認可,對於 B 型企業認證申請之必要性,尚須企業根據其申請目的與預期效益自行衡量。
    Certified B Corporation is an international enterprise certification initiated by a NPO called B Lab. The philosophy of Certified B Corporation is to exert positive impact on the society and the environment based on business models. This study views it as a kind of sustainable certification which can confirm the sustainability of a wide range of products or services. Currently, Taiwan is one of the fastest-growing countries when it comes to B Corps. More and more companies start to pay attention to this emerging certification which puts emphasis on the all-round sustainable value. However, the B Corp Certification has not been well known by enterprises. Therefore, this study aims to explore what B Corps and non-B Corps have in common from the Business Model Canvas perspective. Also, to understand the impact of sustainable certifications to enterprises to find out if it’s necessary to apply for sustainable certifications such as B Corp Certification.
    This research chose two B Corps and one non-B Corp to conduct in-depth interviews and used the Business Model Canvas as the comparison framework to unveil their similarities and differences. Research findings are summarized as follows:
    1. The B Corps and a non-B Corp in this research have five elements in common: Customer Relationships, Channels, Key Resources, Key Activities, and Key Partners. Companies can refer to these five components to develop business models.
    2. The major difference between B Corps and non-B Corps is that B Corps focus on a wide range of issues, whereas non-B Corps pay more attention to economic value. This study suggests companies fill out the B Impact Assessment (BIA) of the B Corp Certification to self-examine the advantages and disadvantages of their operation to further enhance business value.
    3. There are many positive impacts of sustainable certifications such as B Corp Certification, which are mainly reflected on the performance of operation management, talent development and marketing communication. Besides, the process of certification application won’t necessarily cause much burden to enterprises. It’s recommended to apply for sustainable certifications.
    4. The fairness and credibility of the B Corp Certification haven’t been commonly acknowledged like other international sustainable certifications. Therefore, the necessity of applying for a B Corp Certification depends on the evaluation which to see if this certification can meet enterprises’ goals and expectations.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107363079
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000427
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文

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