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    Title: 探討虛擬實境設計因素對博物館績效的影響
    Investigating the Impact of Virtual Reality Design Factors on Museum Performance
    Authors: 蔡和容
    Tsai, Ho-Jung
    Contributors: 張欣綠
    Chang, Hsin-Lu
    Tsai, Ho-Jung
    Keywords: 虛擬實境
    Virtual Reality
    User Experience
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2020-05-05 11:57:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: This study aims to find out how important design factors in Virtual Reality (VR) affect museum performance. More and more organizations tried to provide virtual tourisms. National Palace museum (NPM) also tried to appeal young generations’ sight by providing a VR exhibition. Relics are presented virtually with different themes and categories in VR system, with Huai Su’s Autobiography and Zhao Meng-fu’s” Autumn Colors on the Que and Hua Mountains.” Many studies have deeply explored on the impact of technical factors of VR experience; however, research targeted on storytelling is scarcely discussed. Our goal is to find supportive and comprehensive evidences in including storytelling to design VR.
    We investigate how VR design factors influence visitors’ experience, which in turn improves NPM’s performance. Three empirical models are developed: Model 1 does not consider the relic types, Model 2 focuses on calligraphy, and Model 3 focuses on painting. The result provides us a statistic implication for adopting VR technologies in the museum. It shows a strong indication that design factors, especially storytelling, play an important role for enhancing VR experience-- absorption. We also learned that absorption could certainly help increasing NPM’s performance.
    This study provides a new aspect of designing VR exhibition. The result might help measuring storytelling in museum context and motivate more researches in this area. It could also benefit other organizations who want to create a VR experience. We hope our research can help not only NPM but also other museums to improve the design method in VR exhibitions.
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