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    Title: 威士忌品牌故事與微電影廣告之故事行銷研究
    The Study on Storytelling Marketing of Whisky Stories and Micro-film Advertisements
    Authors: 柳厚勻
    Liu, Hou-Yun
    Contributors: 賴建都
    Lai, Chien-Tu Jeff
    Liu, Hou-Yun
    Keywords: 品牌故事
    Brand story
    Micro-film advertising
    Storytelling marketing
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-03-02 11:41:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣的酒類市場早期受到政府長期掌控,自由開放的市場買賣至今不超過20年,短時間內台灣的烈酒市場躋身成為國際前幾大市場,威士忌的銷量更是名列前茅,然而,台灣消費者對於品牌具有隨波逐流、缺乏顧客忠誠度的特質,廣告型態更是與時俱進,近年出現宣傳片及商品的「微電影廣告」,故本研究將以四個威士忌品牌為例,並利用黃光玉(2006)所提出的「故事行銷」架構,試圖探討其中品牌故事和微電影的敘事手法如何打造品牌。


    The spirits market in Taiwan has become one of the top international markets in a short period, especially the sales of whisky. This study takes four whisky brands as examples, coupled with the "Storytelling Marketing" structure proposed by Huang (2006) to explore how brand stories and micro-film advertisements apply the storytelling marketing strategies to build the brands.

    First, this research uses content analysis to deconstruct the story structure of four whisky brands-- Johnnie Walker, The Glenlivet, The Balvenie, and Singleton. It was found that the message transmissions of the four brands were all the same, and micro-film advertising was the extension and practice of brand spirit; while on the other hand, the conflicts of the stories differ. As for the role of the characters according to the fairy-tale model, the beneficiaries are all consumers. The characters are not necessarily "human", which may be difficulties or threats. Lastly, the plots of the brand stories were developed in chronological order, and the micro-films depended on their category. Both of them only record important events, so the connection between events are broken and the causality is weak.

    Through semi-structured interviews, it was found whether its agency, public relations, or the director, all of them could clearly grasp the key messages of the brands. Storytelling has become the driving force of brand building and communication with target audiences. In addition, the targeting of brands using Taiwanese related issues to increase local connectivity is confirmed.
    Reference: 中文部分
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106464035
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000323
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