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    Title: Open banking 涉及之個人資料保護問題
    Personal Data Protection Issues among Open Banking
    Authors: 林旻
    Lin, Angela
    Contributors: 宋皇志
    Sung, Huang-Chih
    Lin, Angela
    Keywords: 金融科技
    Open banking
    Open API
    Personal Data Protection
    Consumer Data Right
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-03-02 11:35:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 資訊科技的進步,令消費者個人資料之價值由於資料得以被運用在各式各樣的 金融科技而大幅提高,過去視客戶資料為商業機密之銀行,也逐漸願意、或者被迫開 放其持有之資料,成為開放銀行(Open banking)生態系統中的一員。即便開放銀行 目前在大部份的司法管轄區仍處於起步階段,其已經成為全球銀行業的趨勢。
    Open banking的出現是銀行的機會,同時也是銀行的挑戰:其帶來更多創新產 品服務的可能,同時,銀行在個人資料保護以及資訊安全基礎設施上亦須投入大量成 本,避免在未經消費者同意利用其個人資料或是大規模消費者個人資料洩漏之情形, 造成不可回復之損害。不論是消費者害怕個人資料保護不夠周全,抑或是銀行與TPP 間之責任歸屬未明確釐清,都將有礙此種的新型態生態系統持續發展。
    本論文聚焦於銀行利用API分享資料給第三方服務提供商的Open banking商業 模式,個人資料保護之部分則以歐盟之GDPR為重點,探討Open banking法制以及 GDPR兩者重疊之處如何調和,以及Open banking實際運作上,銀行及TPP應採取何種 適當手段以符合個人資料保護法。並藉由回顧奧地利ING-DiBa Direktbank以及德國銀 行產業委員會的兩個案例,探討Open banking概念發展歷程中,對於金融業產品服務 創新以及個人資料保護取得平衡的兩難。最後,本論文以國外Open banking政策及法 制為借鏡,針對我國正在發展的Open banking制度提供建議,使我國銀行與TPP在發 生Open banking相關個人資料保護爭議時,有兼顧消費者保障及責任分擔明確之治理 模式得以遵循。
    As information technology develops rapidly, the applications of consumers’ personal data on financial technologies diversify significantly. This has given rise to the value of consumers’ personal data. Banks that used to see their clients’ financial data as classified trade secrets, whether it’s due to regulations or as a result of their business strategies, have also become more willing to share data with third party service providers in order to become a member of the Open banking system. Though Open banking is still in an embryonic stage in most jurisdictions, it has become an emerging global trend in recent years within the Banking industry.
    For traditional banks, Open banking brings opportunities for financial innovation, but it also brings about challenges regarding data protection. Open banking introduces more possibilities for innovation of financial products and services. However, this also indicates that banks shall devote themselves to establish information security infrastructure to avoid processing of personal data without client consent or to prevent personal data leakage. These are both problems that may cause irreversible damage to consumers. Customers’ growing awareness of data protection and unclarified responsibilities between banks and TPPs will also hinder the development of the Open banking ecosystem.
    The object of this study is to provide strategies given current circumstances that comply with personal data protection law for banks and TPPs. Furthermore, this dissertation also proposes some advice related to personal data protection for the Taiwanese government during the development of Open banking. By reviewing the regulations and the reconciling PSD2 and GDPR, some strategies are made to help clarify the responsibility between banks and TPPs, at the same time enhancing protection of consumers’ data.
    Reference: 一、中文文獻


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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106364218
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000212
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