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    Title: 亞洲電子資訊資本主義: 亞太4.0經濟一體化的研究
    Asian Data Capitalism: An inquiry into economic integration in Asia Pacific 4.0
    Authors: 包弗洛
    Paulsen, Florian
    Contributors: 莊奕琦
    Chuang, Yih-Chyi
    Paulsen, Florian
    Keywords: 人工智能
    artificial intelligence
    digital policy
    varieties of capitalism VoC
    digital economy
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-03-02 11:33:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: This research proposes the term ‘Asian data capitalism’ as a concept to conceive the role of data as a trans-boundary resource in the nascent digital ecosystems in Asia Pacific 4.0 in order to find out whether it can be considered as a potentially new and regionally indigenous variety of capitalism (VoC). This research applies an exploratory qualitative approach through policy review and analysis with particular regard to artificial intelligence and data privacy protection. I rely on a simple definition model of economic integration. Findings include that digital policies about AI and data security enhance negative regional integration through the removal of restrictions on the movement of digital goods, services, and personal information. However, a lack of policy coordination and international common standards entails a) regulatory heterogeneity and b) forgone opportunities to fully leverage nascent ecosystems. However, convergence towards policy models with principles pertaining to advanced data-handling frameworks such as the GDPR and APEC Privacy Framework can be expected in the Asia Pacific since they intersect largely with each other and point towards the evolution of global standards in data protection that promote the cross-border flow of data and digital goods. Nonetheless, the rapid proliferation of ICT and AI systems calls for closer attention to streamlining policies, with particular regard to ASEAN’s emerging member states and their integration into digital networks.
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