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    Title: 檢視變化時代中台灣與越南的關係 (1992-2017) - 理論爭論和願景
    Examining Vietnam and Taiwan Relations in a Challenging Era (1992-2017) - Theoretical Debates and Prospects
    Authors: 陳氏緣
    Duyen, Tran Thi
    Contributors: 劉復國
    Liu, Fu-Kuo
    Tran Thi Duyen
    Keywords: 越南
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-03-02 11:33:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文在充满挑战的背景下即两国之间没有正式的外交关系审视了自1990年代初以来越南与台湾之间的关系。 然而,没有正式的外交关系并不意味着双方之间其他合作关系的结束。经过二十多年的发展,越南与台湾的合作领域日益扩大,取得了可喜的成就。 两国关系各个方面的人与人互动,为这些成就做出了巨大贡献。
    越南与台湾的关系在法律上是非官方的,原因是越南坚持“一个中国”政策,而河内已与北京建立了正式外交关系,这可能表明人与人之间的互动对越南-台湾关系及其关系至关重要。 双方之间永远不可能是纯粹的双边关系。但是,通过讨论与现实主义,建构主义和外交条件有关的国际关系理论,该研究认为,过去几十年来,台湾和越南现在都是真实的故事,它提出了一种新的公式,即与该国建立了准外交关系。 双方的半官方代表处。因此,本研究将通过这一公式来分析双方之间的关系,回答主要问题:越南和台湾为什么在中国施加的压力下没有官方政治接触就能保持稳定的关系,以及中越双边关系出现了哪些具体影响? 双方? 特别是中国因素如何影响越南与台湾关系的发展?为了全面了解越南与台湾的关系,该研究还试图通过三级分析方法来分析越南与台湾之间的关系,这三类分析方法塑造了越南与台湾之间的关系。 台湾近二十年来。
    This dissertation examines the relationship between Vietnam and Taiwan since the early 1990s in a challenging context when the two sides do not have official diplomatic relations. Nevertheless, the absence of official diplomatic ties does not mean the end of other cooperative relations between the two sides. After more than two decades, areas of cooperation between Vietnam and Taiwan have increasingly expanded and achieved considerable achievements. These achievements have been greatly contributed by people-to-people interactions in each aspect of relations between the two sides.
    The relationship between Vietnam and Taiwan is legally unofficial due to Vietnam adheres to the “one-China” policy and Hanoi has established official diplomatic relationship with Beijing, it may indicate people-to-people interactions as critical in Vietnam-Taiwan relations and the relationship between the two sides could never be purely bilateral. Nevertheless, by discussing international relations theory related to realism, constructivism and terms of diplomacy, the study argues that the real story now is both Taiwan and Vietnam over the past decades have worked out a new formula that is a quasi-diplomatic relation with the establishment of semi-official representative offices on both sides. Therefore, the study will analyze the relationship between the two sides by this formula to answer major questions why can Vietnam and Taiwan maintain a stable relationship without official political contacts under the pressure imposed by China and what are specific impacts emerging in the bilateral relations between the two sides? especially, how does China factor impact on the development of Vietnam-Taiwan relations? In order to have a comprehensive picture of Vietnam-Taiwan relations, the study also tries to analyze the relationship between the two sides through a three-level analysis approach including regional level, national level, and community level which have shaped the relationship between Vietnam and Taiwan over the past two decades.
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    Master Thesis and Doctoral Dissertations

    Mikael, Weissmann (2009). Understanding the East Asian peace: Informal and formal conflict prevention and peacebuilding in the Taiwan strait, the Korean Peninsula, and the South China Sea 1990-2008 (Doctoral dissertation in peace and development research). University of Gothenburg.
    Nguyen, Thanh Trung (2016). Accommodating the Dragon: Vietnam’s enduring asymmetric entanglements with China (Doctoral dissertation of Philosophy). Hong Kong Baptist University.
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    Siau, Jia Jia (2013). East Asian economic integration and Taiwan - Taiwan’s space in regionalism (Doctoral dissertation of Philosophy). Hiroshima University.
    Yang, Meng Hsuan (2012). The great exodus: Sojourn, Nostalgia, return, and identity formation of Chinese mainlanders in Taiwan, 1940s - 2000s (Doctoral dissertation of Philosophy). The University of British Columbia.
    Yang, Tingting (2017). Southeast Asian’s relations with Taiwan, 2000-2016: An assessment of Vietnam and Singapore (Master thesis). Naval Postgraduate school, Monterey, California.
    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102265505
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000160
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