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Title: | 日本對越南之貿易援助有效性分析 -以峴港港口改善計畫為例 The Effectiveness of Japan’s AfT policy towards Vietnam: A Case Study of Da Nang Port Improvement Project |
Authors: | 葉姵君 Yeh, Pei-Chun |
Contributors: | 劉曉鵬 葉姵君 Yeh, Pei-Chun |
Keywords: | 貿易援助 輔助論 轉移論 援助有效性 AfT Supplemental theory Displacement theory Effectiveness of aid |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-03-02 11:18:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 越南為日本貿易援助的最大受援國之一。本文為了更好的研究貿易援助之效益,以峴港港口改善計畫為主要研究案例,分別從日本視角以及在地視角,並透過輔助論及轉移論深入探討日本對越南提供的貿易援助計畫之實質效益。 透過研究可以發現,峴港港口改善計畫不僅補充峴港港口能力之不足,更進一步加強峴港市及其周邊地區之經濟發展,符合輔助論認為援助有效提供受援國資源不足並帶動其經濟成長之論點。 而透過觀察日本提供官方發展援助的綁訂條件、日越間匯率差距加大等日本不利因素以及政府支持、峴港港口股份有限公司積極發展港口等越南積極因素,發現轉移論論述中認為受援國在接受援助後將會過分依賴援助國之協助並放棄發展之現象並未在本案例出現。 簡而言之,本文試圖在量化分析法的分析基礎之上,透過田野調查法以及訪談法為主要的研究方法針對峴港港口改善計畫進行分析。而根據結果顯示,不論是透過輔助論或是轉移論為主要途徑進行分析,皆可佐證日本對越南所提供的貿易援助項目—峴港港口改善計畫之有效性。 Since Aid for Trade (AfT) initiative first advocated by WTO in 2005, it has turned more and more important. Japan has been the main donor of Aft so far. After the full resumption of its aid to Vietnam in 1992, Japan has made significant contributions to the economic development of Vietnam. Therefore, this study intends to analyze the effectiveness of Japan`s AfT to Vietnam. The author takes Da Nang Port Improvement Project as a case study and tries to verify the effectiveness of this project. The results of this study find that Da Nang Port Improvement Project posivitvely strengthened the economic development of Da Nang and the surrounding areas. Camparing the negative factors of aid from Japan with the positive efforts of Vietnam, this study finds that the recipient country, i.e. Vietnam, continues its self-sustaining development. The finding further indicates that the displacement theory is not applicable to the subject of this study. In conclusion, the study confirms that Japan`s Da Nang Port Improvement Project, after being examined by both supplemental theory and displacement theory, has effectively contributed to the development of Da Nang. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國家發展研究所 106261007 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106261007 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000189 |
Appears in Collections: | [國家發展研究所] 學位論文
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